people journalism是什么意思 people journalism的中文翻译、读音、例句

people journalism是什么意思 people journalism的中文翻译、读音、例句

people journalism在中文中有"多为图片形式的、名人新闻"的意思,在英美地区还有"报道"的意思,在线发音:[peoplejournalism],people journalism常被用作名词,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到65个与people journalism相关的句子。

People journalism的翻译


例句:What's your background? Are you a journalism major? (好吧 一千 你的背景为何 你是学新闻的吗)


例句:Journalism had provided a channel for people's natural sense of generosity, and the readers responded. (新闻提供了一个渠道 表达人的慷慨本性和读者的反应的渠道。)


例句:Real people with real jobs. (- I talk to people. - Real people with real jobs.)


people journalism一般作为名词使用,如在journalism(新闻工作 )、people people([网络] 人物;人民;动新闻)、people(人们 )等常见短语中出现较多。

people people[网络] 人物;人民;动新闻
no such people没有这样的人
people with〈文〉使充满
the people
TO people[网络] 对人类来说;一切随缘
digital journalism数位新闻学
drone journalism[网络] 遥控飞行器


1. Real people with real jobs. (翻译:- I talk to people. - Real people with real jobs.)

2. James, I read that Pitt has some journalism courses. (翻译:詹姆斯,我看见介绍说匹兹堡也有些新闻专业)

3. Sources, boys and girls. Sources. Lifeblood of journalism. (翻译:消息来源,孩子们 消息来源是新闻工作的活血)

4. I don't respect the type of journalism... the shabby journalism that is being practiced by the Washington Post. (翻译:但是我不尊重那种使用低劣手法 像《华盛顿邮报》那样做新闻的媒体)

5. The guy you were supposed to do the journalism piece on, that snake? (翻译:我还以为你这家伙 做新闻片上, 那条蛇?)

6. Journalism had provided a channel for people's natural sense of generosity, and the readers responded. (翻译:新闻提供了一个渠道 表达人的慷慨本性和读者的反应的渠道。)

7. Roy Greenslate, Professor of Journalism at London’s City University, says: “The posting of the material on the internet is not in itself an act of journalism. (翻译:伦敦城市大学的新闻学教授罗伊·格林斯莱特说:“在互联网上发布原始材料从本质上来说并不是新闻行为。)

8. Thank goodness journalism has improved since then. (翻译:谢天谢地,自此以后的 新闻都有了大进步。)

9. # Arab Journalism Prize Ceremony United Arab Emirates # (翻译:#阿拉伯新闻颁奖典礼 阿拉伯联合酋长国#)

10. There are people greeting people (翻译:There are people greeting people)

11. That's the beauty of journalism: to question and challenge the powerful. (翻译:这也是新闻报道美丽的地方: 质疑和挑战当权者。)

12. My kind of journalism is a product of my society. (翻译:我的报导源于我的社会 我的报导源于我的社会 )

13. If you care about people, there are people to protect, there are people that you will kill for. (翻译:如果你关心谁 就要保护谁 If you care about people, there are people to protect, 就要为他们杀人 there are people that you will kill for.)

14. I saw that the free flow of information represented by journalism, specifically visual journalism, can bring into focus both the benefits and the cost of political policies. (翻译:目睹了以新闻业为代表的信息自由流通, 特别是视觉新闻 , 可以让政治政策的得失成为焦点。)

15. And being an accomplice to power is never good journalism. (翻译:成为权力的附庸 从来不是好的新闻报道。)

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