perenial frozen soil的意思是"多年冻土",在英美地区还有"多年冻土"的意思,在线读音是[perenialfrozensoil],perenial frozen soil在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到62个与perenial frozen soil相关的例句。
Perenial frozen soil的释义
例句:Zucchini will grow, but the soil is too acidic for beets. (but the soil is too acidic for beets.)
perenial frozen soil一般作为名词使用,如在frozen soil(冻土)、frozen soil?(冻土)、ever frozen soil(永冻土)等常见短语中出现较多。
frozen soil | 冻土 |
frozen soil? | 冻土 |
ever frozen soil | 永冻土 |
frozen soil change | [地质] 冻土变形 |
frozen soil flow | [地质] 冻土流 |
frozen soil foundation | [建] 冻土地基 |
frozen soil mechanics | [力] 冻土力学 |
frozen soil strength | 冻土强度 |
frozen soil structure | [地质] 冻土构造 |
1. I live on the flipping frozen tundra! (翻译:How should I know? I live on the flipping frozen tundra!)
2. Slow melting of frozen soil and exceeding cut of forest may be the factors to speed mountain torrents in region of high latitude. Some prevention countermeasures against mountai… (翻译:指出在高纬度和林区,由于冻土层融化慢和过度采伐,可能加快山洪的形成。)
3. Bebopareebop Frozen Rhubarb Pie and Frozen Rhubarb Pie Filling. (翻译:Bebopareebop牌的冷冻派及派馅)
4. It gets frozen this time of year. (翻译:这个季节都结冰了 It gets frozen this time of year.)
5. As a result, mulched soil will be cooler than other soil in the summer. (翻译:因此,给土壤做农地膜比夏天的土壤要凉。)
6. Okay, here are some things done on American soil in the name of Christianity. (翻译:here are some things done on American soil)
7. To commit a terrorist atrocity on American soil. (翻译:在美国领土预谋恐怖事件 To commit a terrorist atrocity on American soil.)
8. Were parasitized larvae overwinter in the frozen soil layer below, known as winter worm. (翻译:被寄生的幼虫在冻土层以下越冬,称为冬虫。)
9. I carry the night soil out to the cesspit. (翻译:我运送粪便到污水坑里 I carry the night soil out to the cesspit.)
10. Soil Light soil composed of alluvium and sand. (翻译:土壤轻土壤组成的冲积土和沙子。)
11. -Yes! Her last moments of terror still frozen on her face. (翻译:是的 她脸上一直凝固着临死前的惊恐 Yes, her last moments of terror still frozen on her face.)
12. or sometimes the frozen soil took a piece of steel out of a plowshare, or a plow got set in the furrow and had to be cut out. (翻译:有时候,那冰冻的土地把犁头的一只钢齿折断了;有时,犁陷在犁沟中了,不得不把冰挖破才能取出来。)
13. The plants in the plateau areas and the melting soil-layers in the frozen are all affected by the climatical conditions and interaction each other. (翻译:高原地区的植物与冻土季节融化层都受到气候条件的影响,并相互制约。)
14. Effects of soil water content and soil sodicity on soil shearing strength (翻译:土壤含水率与土壤碱度对土壤抗剪强度的影响)
15. Nothing frozen in her cart. (翻译:因为她车里没有速冻食品 Nothing frozen in her cart.)