petite sirah是什么意思 petite sirah的中文翻译、读音、例句

petite sirah是什么意思 petite sirah的中文翻译、读音、例句

petite sirah的意思是"亦作、产自美国加利福尼亚州",作为名词时有"小西拉红葡萄酒"的意思,单词读音音标为[petitesirah],petite sirah是一个英语名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到76个与petite sirah相关的句子。

Petite sirah的翻译


例句:Rengaomada, Xu Jinjiang simply carrying the petite wife of "small ants, " played an open chapeau , two of the two skinhead Xiangyingchengqu; (而人高马大的徐锦江则干脆背着娇小的妻子“小蚂蚁”出场,一揭盖头,两人的两颗光头相映成趣;)


例句:You, my dear, in pain hall you bring forth children, wear high heels, undergo diets, exfoliation, face-lifts, and what's more, you'll have to cook! (小女孩 你将来要经历生产的痛苦 Ma petite fille, tu accoucheras dans la douleur. 要穿针一般细的高跟鞋 Tu porteras des talons aiguilles, 你要忍受减肥 吃避孕药 tu subiras des régimes, des pillings,)


例句:Small amounts of Petite Syrah and Alicante Bouschet are added to the blend to add texture and color. (酿酒的葡萄中混合进少量小希哈及阿利坎特以丰富其层次与色泽。)


例句:She's petite, well-spoken, well-mannered, well-educated, a good conversationalist. (翻译:她身材娇小,良好的口语, 彬彬有礼, 受过良好教育, 一个好的健谈。)


petite sirah一般作为名词使用,如在sirah([网络] 西拉;西拉女;希拉)、petite(a. 小的, 次要的, 小个子的, 娇小玲珑的, 娇小的)、petite assize([网络] 小巡回法庭)等常见短语中出现较多。

sirah[网络] 西拉;西拉女;希拉
petitea. 小的, 次要的, 小个子的, 娇小玲珑的, 娇小的
petite assize[网络] 小巡回法庭
petite batterie小击跃
petite bourgeoisie小资产阶级分子;小资产阶级
petite bourgeoisies[法语]小资产阶级分子;小资产阶级
petite cabriole小羚跃
Petite Camargue[地名] 小卡马格(地区) ( 法 )
petite colony(酵母菌)小菌落
Petite Creuse[地名] 小克勒斯河 ( 法 )


1. Small amounts of Petite Syrah and Alicante Bouschet are added to the blend to add texture and color. (翻译:酿酒的葡萄中混合进少量小希哈及阿利坎特以丰富其层次与色泽。)

2. She's petite, well-spoken, well-mannered, well-educated, a good conversationalist. (翻译:她身材娇小,良好的口语, 彬彬有礼, 受过良好教育, 一个好的健谈。)

3. Joab then left David and sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah. But David did not know it. (翻译:约押从大卫那里出来,就打发人去追赶押尼珥,在西拉井追上他,将他带回来,大卫却不知道。)

4. A nice petite white boy like you in a federal penitentiary... (翻译:一个像你这样漂亮的白种男人 在联邦监狱里...)

5. Your little girl is beautiful. (翻译:你们女儿可爱极了 Votre petite fille est très belle.)

6. Her name is carla, and she's a petite redhead, but it's the good redhead. (翻译:她的名字叫卡拉, 她是个娇小的红发, 但它是很好的红头发。)

7. Soft pastel natural colors are the true reflection of the beauty of these petite flower girls. (翻译:蜡笔自然的颜色是这些娇小花童的真实写照。)

8. Look at you, with your petite manicure and your pocket square, your spray tan. (翻译:看看你 娇小的指甲 Look at you, with your petite manicure 装饰手帕 还喷雾晒黑了皮肤 and your pocket square, your spray tan.)

9. I'd like to talk about a way of thinking about technology trends that I call my "grand unified theory of predicting the future," but it's closer to a petite unified theory of predicting the future. (翻译:我还想说说怎样思考技术趋势。我可以将之称为预言未来的宏大统一理论, 但是其实它更接近预言未来的袖珍统一理论。)

10. She's petite, but very heavy on top, so I got a medium! (翻译:她身材娇小 可是上围很大 所以给了她中码)

11. I'd like to talk about a way of thinking about technology trends that I call my "grand unified theory of predicting the future," but it's closer to a petite unified theory of predicting the future. (翻译:我还想说说怎样思考技术趋势。我可以将之称为预言未来的宏大统一理论, 但是其实它更接近预言未来的袖珍统一理论。)

12. She was petite2 and looked younger than her age, unusually pale but there was some glowing in her small eyes. (翻译:身形纤小的她看起来比实际年龄还要小,脸色不同寻常地苍白,可她小小的眼睛里却闪烁着光芒。)

13. Jamey Farrell, a petite young Hispanic woman, displayed a printout. (翻译:雅梅·法雷尔,一位身材娇小的拉美裔年轻女子,拿出一份打印资料。)

14. As in petite, but most definitely lethal and generally very scary. (翻译:尽管身材娇小 但是却相当的坏 而且通常十分吓人)

15. That Beretta ARX with the ACOG scope and modified stock for your petite frame? (翻译:还有那把射程最高的贝瑞塔手枪 那部适合娇小的你驾驶的改装车)

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