phalanx ungual是什么意思 phalanx ungual的中文翻译、读音、例句

phalanx ungual是什么意思 phalanx ungual的中文翻译、读音、例句

phalanx ungual的中文解释是"骨、爪指",作为名词时有"趾"的意思,发音音标为[phalanxungual],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到36个与phalanx ungual相关的句子。

Phalanx ungual的中文翻译


例句:You would have made your phalanx as deep as you could once you had the width established. (一旦你确定了方阵的宽度,你就会尽可能地把方阵布置得深一些。)


例句:That, and a phalanx of under-employed investment bankers, appears to have turned its head. (这些因素加上一帮业务不足的投资银行家,似乎推动了该公司把目光投向海外。)


例句:Limbs far end has muscle weakness, amyotrophy, tendinous reflex drops or disappear, often have " ungual state hand " reach hang down sufficient. (肢体远端有肌软弱, 肌萎缩,腱反射减退或消失,常有“爪状手”及垂足。)


phalanx ungual一般作为名词使用,如在ungual phalanx(末节指骨)、ungual(指甲的 )、phalanx(方阵 )等常见短语中出现较多。

ungual phalanx末节指骨
in phalanx联合地;共同地;团结一致地
ungual contusion爪甲挫伤
ungual digitule[昆] 爪毛
ungual mycoma爪甲霉菌肿
ungual mycosis爪甲霉菌病
ungual paraplasia爪甲位置异常; 爪甲异位生长


1. Limbs far end has muscle weakness, amyotrophy, tendinous reflex drops or disappear, often have " ungual state hand " reach hang down sufficient. (翻译:肢体远端有肌软弱, 肌萎缩,腱反射减退或消失,常有“爪状手”及垂足。)

2. We describe a case of a traumatic avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx of the hallux. (翻译:我们描述了一对拇末节撕脱骨折创伤的情况。)

3. And you, unbreakable Antigonus, the center phalanx. (翻译:还有你——无法击败的安提柯斯,你负责中央方阵)

4. -We will be your Greek phalanx. -Then you must begin with the bayonet. (翻译:我们将会成为你的希腊纵队 那你就从拼刺刀开始)

5. Herpetic whitlow is a painful cutaneous infection that most commonly affects the distal phalanx of the fingers and occasionally the toes. (翻译:疱疹性瘭是一个痛苦的皮肤感染,最常见的影响末节断指的手指和脚趾偶尔。)

6. There was a phalanx of riot police on this bridge, too, blocking another route to the Kremlin. (翻译:这里也有密集排列的防暴警察,阻止人们通过这里到达克林姆宫。)

7. And he said that every day this six-year-old, dressed in her beautiful dress, would walk with real grace through a phalanx of white people screaming angrily, calling her a monster, threatening to poison her -- distorted faces. (翻译:他说,每天 这个xx岁的女孩都会穿上美丽的衣服 走得也特别的神气 走在一大堆白人中间 他们会大声尖叫,说她是一个魔鬼 并且还威胁说会毒害她 使她毁容 )

8. Forensic anthropologist Karen Ramey Burns, a specialist in the identification of human remains, examined the phalanx. (翻译:人类遗体识别专家、法庭考古学家Karen Ramey Burns检查了这块指骨。)

9. Shit, I lost the phalanx. We're sitting ducks. (翻译:糟糕,自动雷达反击不灵了 简直是坐以待毙)

10. The phalanx theory of the standard proposition is no more than unattested hypothesis; (翻译:规范命题的方阵理论最多是未被证明的假说; )

11. Often these emergent patients are brought to the MRI suite with a trailing phalanx of clinicians and various monitors and support devices. (翻译:通常情况下这些急诊病人被带到MRI系统内,还有临床医生、各种监护仪和支撑装置等等也跟着进入。)

12. Phalanx out, third group, now! (翻译:方阵队形 第三队 上 Phalanx out, third group, now!)

13. She was in the Jedi Temple the night that Darth Vader descended upon the sanctuary with a phalanx of clone troopers. (翻译:当达斯·维德带领一个方阵的克隆人士兵降临圣堂时,莎克·蒂就在绝地圣殿之中。)

14. And he said that every day this six-year-old, dressed in her beautiful dress, would walk with real grace through a phalanx of white people screaming angrily, calling her a monster, threatening to poison her -- distorted faces. (翻译:他说,每天 这个xx岁的女孩都会穿上美丽的衣服 走得也特别的神气 走在一大堆白人中间 他们会大声尖叫,说她是一个魔鬼 并且还威胁说会毒害她 使她毁容)

15. We describe a case of a traumatic avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx of the hallux. (翻译:我们描述了一对拇末节撕脱骨折创伤的情况。)

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