phylloplane microflora是什么意思 phylloplane microflora的中文翻译、读音、例句

phylloplane microflora是什么意思 phylloplane microflora的中文翻译、读音、例句

phylloplane microflora的意思是"叶面微生物区系",其次还有"微"的意思,发音音标为[phylloplanemicroflora],phylloplane microflora来源于英语,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到93个与phylloplane microflora相关的句子。

Phylloplane microflora的释义


例句:Microflora on mucosa under different pontics of fixed partial bridge (固定桥桥体龈底形态对接触区黏膜微生态影响的研究)


例句:Comparative study of intestinal microflora between healthy children and FTT children (健康儿童与发育不佳儿童肠道菌群结构的比较研究)


phylloplane microflora一般作为名词使用,如在phylloplane([网络] 叶面)、microflora(微生物群落 )、enteric microflora(肠内菌丛,肠内菌群, 肠道菌丛)等常见短语中出现较多。

phylloplane[网络] 叶面
enteric microflora肠内菌丛,肠内菌群, 肠道菌丛
fecal microflora[微] 粪便微生物区系
gastrointestinal microflora[基医] 肠胃微生物区系
heterotrophic microflora[微] 异养微生物区系
indigenous microflora[微] 土著微生物区系
intestinal microflora肠微生物丛
phyllogen microflora叶原微生物


1. Influence of Dietary Fiber on the Microflora of Hindgut and Production Performance of Swine (翻译:纤维性日粮对猪后肠微生物区系和生产性能的影响)

2. GI microflora may inactivate certain drugs, reducing their absorption. (翻译:胃肠道内的菌丛可使某些药物失活,降低药物的吸收。)

3. Results: The number of intestinal microflora of mouse given boiling Rhizoma coptidis have increased effciently. (翻译:结果:黄连水煎剂治疗组小鼠肠菌群菌数明显增多。)

4. According to the in vitro screening experiment, Lactobacillus plantarum WZ47-1 was selected to study its regulation function of immunity and intestral microflora of mice. (翻译:对体外试验筛选出的1株植物乳杆菌WZ47-1进行增强机体免疫和调节肠道菌群平衡两种益生作用的研究。)

5. The experiment was conducted to study the effects of Bacillus licheniformis on intestinal structure and cecal gut microflora in Mayu broiler chickens. (翻译:本文旨在研究地衣芽孢杆菌对麻羽肉鸡的肠道组织结构及其盲肠微生物区系的影响。)

6. Conclusion: The regulation of intestinal microflora on patient with pancreatitis can reduce inflammation reac... (翻译:结论:调整肠道菌群治疗可减少胰腺炎的炎症反应,促进病情恢复。)

7. GI microflora may inactivate certain drugs, reducing their absorption. (翻译:胃肠道内的菌丛可使某些药物失活,降低药物的吸收。)

8. We study the soil microflora in the wheatland. (翻译:我们进行小麦地土壤微生物区系研究。)

9. Effect of Bifidobacteria Preparation on Restoring the Disorder of Intestinal Microflora Induced by Meropenem in Severely Burned Patients (翻译:双歧杆菌对严重烧伤患者美罗培南应用后肠菌群的调节)

10. Study on the soil microflora in the wheatland. (翻译:供试小麦田土壤微生物区系研究。)

11. Exp. 3 The effect of compound isoacids on goat rumen microflora The experiment was divided into control period and trial period. (翻译:复合异位酸对山羊瘤胃微生物区系的影响试验分为两个阶段,为对照期和试验期。)

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