例句:I need 100 rifles to give Lo as presents (我想要一百枝新式快枪 作为见罗三炮的见面礼)
例句:That's the reason I'm using this podium and using these notes. (所以我站在这儿讲话要借助这个讲台 和这些提示。)
1. Memory of Tandi, beautiful mermaid blowing Lo Kok; (翻译:记忆的潭底,美人鱼在吹着动听的螺角; )
2. For example, your WBS code for a specific subtask is Ph3. Prj5. Arch. Task3. (翻译:例如,某特定子任务的WBS代码是Ph3.)
3. # Lo panameno, salvedureno # (翻译:# Lo paname隳, salvedure隳 #)
4. # Sabe lo que hay cuando vengo con mi corillo # (翻译:# Sabe lo que hay cuando vengo con mi corillo #)
5. # Mi padre, mi madre, de lo viejo consejo vivo # (翻译:# Mi padre, mi madre, de lo viejo consejo vivo #)
6. Even threw in some old Maxwell. (翻译:Lo Nicki Minaj 甚至还有Maxwell的老歌)
7. The investigation and significance by examining pH value and smear of dejecta for intestinal flora maladjustment (翻译:粪便pH和涂片检查肠道菌群失调的研究及意义)
8. Pure water is neutral with a pH of 7. (翻译:纯净水是中性的,PH值为7。)
9. But lo! The sun recalls his fervid ray. (翻译:但是,瞧!太阳收回它浓艳的光线。)
10. There was a cutaway to Jackson's guest on the podium. (翻译:镜头切换到了台上杰克逊的一位客人。)
11. This is what it's come down to, busting down doors with J. Lo? (翻译:事情已经发展成这个样子了, 和J. Lo一起破门而入?)
12. I want you on the podium at the ARS dinner. (翻译:美国火箭协会晚宴上的发言交给你了 Hey! I want you on the podium at the ARS dinner.)
13. Now, the pH levels have to match within 18% for the seeds to take root. (翻译:现在,将pH水平必须在18%匹配 对于种子扎根。)
14. A Study on Antibacterial Activity of Propolis Against Micrococcus lysodeikticus in Different pH (翻译:河南蜂胶对溶壁微球菌不同pH抑菌作用研究)
15. I told you, Kratsov trollies the girls. (翻译:TE LO dije Kratsov让女孩子,处理金钱)