phyllostachys reticulata koch是什么意思 phyllostachys reticulata koch

phyllostachys reticulata koch是什么意思 phyllostachys reticulata koch

phyllostachys reticulata koch通常被翻译为"刚竹、苦竹"的意思,作为名词时有"真竹"的意思,发音是[phyllostachysreticulatakoch],phyllostachys reticulata koch来源于英语,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到58个与phyllostachys reticulata koch相关的句子。

Phyllostachys reticulata koch的词典翻译


例句:The Corpus Christi case was one of a series of challenges Koch Industries faced in the 1990s over environmental issues. (科珀斯克里·斯蒂斯一案是20世纪xx年代挑战科赫公司环保问题的一系列案件之一。)


例句:At age 29, he married Pauline Koch, eleven years his junior. (在他xx岁的时候,他娶了比自己小xx岁的波琳·科赫。)


例句:KoSa is now part of Koch's Invista unit. (科莎公司现为科赫公司英威达部门的一部分。)


phyllostachys reticulata koch一般作为名词使用,如在Phyllostachys reticulata([网络] 桂竹)、koch(n. 科赫(人名))、reticulata([网络] 柑;云南山茶;孔雀花鳉)等常见短语中出现较多。

Phyllostachys reticulata[网络] 桂竹
kochn. 科赫(人名)
reticulata[网络] 柑;云南山茶;孔雀花鳉
Koch Bihar[网络] 科奇比哈尔;科奇比哈尔县
Koch curve科赫曲线
Koch flask[化] 科赫瓶; 科赫培养瓶
Koch island科赫岛
Koch phenomenon郭霍现象


1. KoSa is now part of Koch's Invista unit. (翻译:科莎公司现为科赫公司英威达部门的一部分。)

2. Koch Industries didn't penalize Caffey, the executive in charge of pipeline safety. (翻译:科赫工业公司没有处罚负责石油管线安全的凯菲。)

3. - Have you ever heard the name Charles Koch? - No. (翻译:- 那你们听说过Charles Koch吗?)

4. Koch Industries is the second largest private company in the country. (翻译:科氏工业是我国第二大的私营企业 甚至比可口可乐公司更大)

5. In 1984, David Koch and Richard Fink created yet another organization, and Kibbe joined them. (翻译:xx年,戴维·科赫和理查德·芬克创立了另一个组织,也就在此时,基布加入了他们。)

6. LEN KOCH Engineer and Nuclear Pioneer source of energy, a new way to generate heat. (翻译:LEN KOCH 原子先锋 ...这是一个新的能源来源。)

7. She sued Koch-Glitsch in France for wrongful termination. (翻译:她在法国起诉科赫-格力奇公司非法解雇她。)

8. Everything Koch stood for was a lie. (翻译:科赫公司代表的每件事都是一个谎言。)

9. Koch-Glitsch gave envelopes stuffed with cash to a Moroccan company, Koch wrote in its letter. (翻译:辞退信中还写道,科赫-格力奇将装有现金的信封送给摩洛哥公司。)

10. Oh man I got kernel stuck in my teeth kernel stuck in my teeth (翻译:不 才没有 你们的火鸡是杯具的替代品 该死 为什么在车里我没听前市长Ed Koch)

11. Koch-Glitsch inflated its bid price to a private company in India in 2008, the letter said. (翻译:辞退信中称,xx年,科赫-格力奇公司对印度一家私人公司抬高其投标价格。)

12. Koch-Glitsch inflated its bid price to a private company in India in 2008, the letter said. (翻译:辞退信中称,xx年,科赫-格力奇公司对印度一家私人公司抬高其投标价格。)

13. As soon as she joined Koch, the company flew her to Wichita to attend an internal compliance conference, she says. (翻译:她说,一加入科赫,公司就派她飞往维奇多总部参加公司的内部合规会议。)

14. Take the rise of vast and highly diversified business groups in the emerging world, such as India's Tata group and Turkey's Koc Holding. (翻译:比如在新兴世界中高度多元化的规模很大的集团公司,像印度的塔塔集团,土耳其的Koch股份。)

15. "The only thing that would seriously impact the profitability and continuity of Koch Industries was a compliance issue, " Horner says. (翻译:“严重影响科赫公司利润和连续性的唯一的一件事就是服从”霍纳说道。)

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