plot harvester是什么意思 plot harvester的中文翻译、读音、例句

plot harvester是什么意思 plot harvester的中文翻译、读音、例句

plot harvester的意思是"小区收割机",在英美地区还有"小区收割机"的意思,单词读音音标为[plotharvester],plot harvester来源于英语,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到73个与plot harvester相关的例句。

Plot harvester的词典翻译


例句:The plot against Goulart was well underway. (毁勤嘉岭杻腔躇觉淏婓佼瞳辆俴﹝ The plot against Goulart was well underway.)


plot harvester一般作为名词使用,如在harvester(n. 收获者, 收割机)、plot(①情节②小块土地)、the plot([网络] 布局;情节;剧情)等常见短语中出现较多。

harvestern. 收获者, 收割机
the plot[网络] 布局;情节;剧情
ensilage harvester青饲料收割机
energy harvester俘能器; 能量采集器
flax harvester亚麻收获机
forage harvester饲料收获机
grass harvester牧草收割机
harvester aid收获辅助装置


1. On that little plot that we cleared together. (翻译:就在那小块地 我们曾经一起清理的块 On that little plot that we cleared together.)

2. The claim for a plot of land in which to work. (翻译:will have been met in many places. 要求一块土地以在其中工作。The claim for a plot of land in which to work.)

3. The virus is a very efficient harvester of light, with these porphyrins attached. (翻译:该病毒是一种十分有效的光线收集机,还附带着卟啉。)

4. The parameters provide a basis on designing ensilage harvester. (翻译:其参数可作为青贮饲料收获机的设计依据。)

5. This, gentlemen, as they say, is where the plot thickens. (翻译:衵ヌ ヌ淲ヌ ヌ瞠ヌマノ ゚翩 洄趁趾 ヘ棏 ハヘヌ゚ ヌ矼トヌ耜ヌハ)

6. That is the contour plot of f with a hyperbola on top of it. (翻译:上面这个是f的等高线,黄色的就是双曲线。)

7. Sea Harvester, Emergency Rescue Team despatched. Please respond, over. (翻译:大洋收割者号 救援队伍已派出 请答复 完毕)

8. The Immoral Mr. Teas had a plot and in that plot there were situations with naked girls. (翻译:不道德的茶先生有一个情节 并在这 有情节的情况下 裸女。)

9. As the refugees flee the collapsing building, the camera pans up to reveal a towering robot: a Harvester. (翻译:由于难民逃离建筑物倒塌,相机锅行动揭示了高大的机器人:一个收获。)

10. The invention provides a combine harvester capable of easily and efficiently cleaning and overhauling a bearing network. (翻译:本发明提供一种能够轻松高效地进行承接网的清扫和检修作业的联合收割机。)

11. Do you not suppose they would conspire to plot against me? (翻译:你肯定她们不会联合起来密谋反抗我吗 Do you not suppose they would conspire to plot against me?)

12. A plot of land to harvest crops. (翻译:一块土地以在其中收割庄稼。A plot of land to harvest crops.)

13. I dunno, might further the plot. (翻译:我不知道 也许能推动剧情吧 I dunno, might further the plot.)

14. To fix the stalled harvester. They didn't think I was up to it. (翻译:为了修好抛锚的采能车 他们不认为我搞得定)

15. Officials believe, the crew of the Sea Harvester were washed overboard... (翻译:警方认为 大洋收割者号的船员都被冲入海里...)

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