plow back earnings是什么意思 plow back earnings的中文翻译、读音、例句

plow back earnings是什么意思 plow back earnings的中文翻译、读音、例句

plow back earnings的中文解释是"经",在英美地区还有"再投资利润"的意思,发音音标为[plowbackearnings],plow back earnings是一个英语名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到58个与plow back earnings相关的句子。

Plow back earnings的释义


例句:With the beginning of plow agriculture, men's roles became extremely powerful. (随着犁耕农业社会的开始,男性的所扮演的角色变得出奇的强势 )


例句:Research on Allocation Mode of Plow Landsite and Influence to the Working Performance on Plow (犁侧板的配置方式及其对犁工作性能影响的研究)


plow back earnings一般作为名词使用,如在plow back([经] (利润)再投资)、plow back benefit(用于再投资的利润)、plow back profit(再投资利润)等常见短语中出现较多。

plow back[经] (利润)再投资
plow back benefit用于再投资的利润
plow back profit再投资利润
plow back profits[经] 再投资利润
plown. 犁\nv. 犁, 耕
plow in用犁推土覆盖,把…犁入土中
plow intona. 奋力投入(工作)\n[网络] 干劲十足地投入;全力冲进;辗进
plow on[网络] 继续


1. Inconveniently, Mafiosi rarely file statements of quarterly earnings. (翻译:而不便的是,很少有黑手党会发布季度业绩报表。)

2. Everybody, back, back, back. (翻译:所有人 后退 后退 Everybody, back, back, back.)

3. This was not done to save money or remain competitive, as companies back then were already posting record earnings in the billions. (翻译:这对于增加储蓄或是保持竞争力是没有作用的 因为公司已经被布置了 几十亿的盈利任务)

4. Plaster on a fake smile, plow through the next half-century, sit back, relax and wait for the sweet embrace of death. (翻译:强颜欢笑,再熬半个世纪 坐好,放松,等着甜蜜的死亡来临)

5. How, they asked, could a continent plow through the solid rock of the ocean floor? (翻译:他们质疑大陆怎么可能 How, they asked, could a continent plow through 破开海床坚硬的岩石 the solid rock of the ocean floor?)

6. People are sleeping in huts, with nothing to eat, nothing with which to plow the ground. (翻译:人们现在没得住,没有吃的 没有工具耕地!)

7. And in return, you take a portion of her earnings. (翻译:-- 而作为回报 你们收取她的一部分工资 And in return, you take a portion of her earnings.)

8. Farmers occasionally plow up landman relics. (翻译:农夫们偶尔会犁出古印度的遗迹。)

9. Banks were now reliant for earnings on these activities. (翻译:银行现在正依赖这种新武器来赚钱 Satyajit Das 期货交易顾问 《商人 枪和金钱》作者)

10. I received $1 000 in recompense for loss of earnings. (翻译:我得到了1 000元的收入损失赔偿。)

11. Thebalance equation of power driven disc plow is built. (翻译:建立了旱田驱动圆盘犁机组的平衡方程序。)

12. Oh, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back (翻译:Oh, bring it back, bring it back, bring it back)

13. And now he wants to plow even more money back into it. (翻译:现在他还想往里面投入更多的钱。. 但是...)

14. RegrettabIy, the peaceful work... and much-needed hard currency earnings of Severnaya... have been set back by several years. (翻译:很不幸,塞维亚的 太平的工作与外汇收入 ...不得不倒退几年)

15. They pocket four-fifths of hijras' earnings. (翻译:他们吸纳了海吉拉斯五分之四的收入。)

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