plymouth brethren是什么意思 plymouth brethren的中文翻译、读音、例句

plymouth brethren是什么意思 plymouth brethren的中文翻译、读音、例句

plymouth brethren在中文中有"普利茅斯教友会"的意思,还经常被翻译为普利茅斯教友会,单词读音音标为['plimәθ],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到28个与plymouth brethren相关的例句。

Plymouth brethren的中文翻译


例句:What say you, Captain Swann, king of the Brethren Court? (史旺船长,海盗王大会霸主 你有什么命令?)


plymouth brethren一般作为名词使用,如在the plymouth brethren([网络] 普里茅斯弟兄会;普利茅斯弟兄们;普利茅斯弟兄会)、brethren(兄弟们 )、Plymouth(普利茅斯(英国) )等常见短语中出现较多。

the plymouth brethren[网络] 普里茅斯弟兄会;普利茅斯弟兄们;普利茅斯弟兄会
elder brethren[复数][英国英语]领港协会十三主持会员
professional brethren同行
Three Brethren[地名] 三兄弟山 ( 英 )
Trinity Brethren[复数][英国英语]领港公会会员
weaker brethren弱者们,(某一群体中)能力较差的人们
New Plymouth[地名] 新普利茅斯 ( 美、新西 )


1. They headed out of here in a '57 gray Plymouth sedan. (翻译:他们开着xx年灰色顺风小汽车 车牌号码mth889)

2. The Brethren will still be looking here to us, to the Black Pearl, to lead. (翻译:海盗王们听命于我们... 追随鬼盗船迎敌)

3. Yes, my dear brethren, the day of salvation is at hand. (翻译:Yes, my dear brethren, the day of salvation is at hand. 是的,亲爱的兄弟, 马上就可以得救了)

4. "If all people are brethren then why are the winds and the waves so restless?" (翻译:『如果四海之内皆兄弟』 那为什么外面的风雨 总不停?)

5. Scripture: "To the Saints and faithful brethren in Christ, which are at Colosse." (翻译:经文:“写信给歌罗西的圣徒,在基督里有忠心的弟兄。” )

6. - Is everyone in Plymouth drunk, Woodford? - It's the Witch, sir. (翻译:普利茅斯的人喝醉了吗 伍德福 真的是女巫 长官)

7. We've come to discuss your future with the Brethren. (翻译:我们和Brethren教友们讨论你今后该怎么办了)

8. "They were told to rest until the number of their brethren was complete... (翻译:他们被 告知要 休息 ,直到 他们的弟兄 数 完成。)

9. Plymouth? If it really is Hornblower, all England will go wild. (翻译:普利茅斯 如果真的是霍恩布洛尔 整个英国都会疯了)

10. And of the sons of Zerah; Jeuel, and their brethren, six hundred and ninety. (翻译:谢拉的子孙中有耶乌利和他的弟兄,共六百九十人。)

11. These were the chief of the priests and of their brethren in the days of Jeshua. (翻译:这些人在耶书亚的时候作祭司,和他们弟兄的首领。)

12. A blue barracuda, '68 Plymouth. (翻译:- xx年的普利茅斯Barracuda。)

13. So then, brethren, we are not children of a bondwoman , but of the free woman. (翻译:弟兄们、这样看来、我们不是使女的儿女、乃是自主妇人的儿女了。)

14. I'd say the distance between Plymouth and Aberdeen. (翻译:我得说差不多是 从普利茅斯到阿伯丁的距离)

15. The brethren and betrayer seeks to destroy all that we have. (翻译:那个既是兄弟又是叛徒的人希望毁灭我们所拥有的一切。)

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