poor bond是什么意思 poor bond的中文翻译、读音、例句

poor bond是什么意思 poor bond的中文翻译、读音、例句

poor bond的中文解释是"粘结不良",作为名词时有"粘结不良"的意思,单词读音音标为[poorbond],poor bond常被用作名词,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到96个与poor bond相关的句子。

Poor bond的翻译


例句:I found out yesterday it's where Downey meets Bond Street. (我昨天才发现原来就在 Downey街和Bond街的交汇处)


poor bond一般作为名词使用,如在energy poor bond(弱能键)、poor(贫穷的 )、poor in([网络] 在…差的;缺乏;贫乏)等常见短语中出现较多。

energy poor bond弱能键
poor in[网络] 在…差的;缺乏;贫乏
the poor[总称]穷人,贫民;依靠慈善救济或教区救济的人们
in bond在关栈中\n[经] 在保税仓库中, 关栈中交货价
on bond具保
dirt poor极贫困的;极贫穷的
fuel poor[网络] 燃料不足


1. Kalinda found out- you and Blake go back for years. (翻译:你和Blake相识很久 你和Bond有计划地)

2. You gave us a Black Easter... (翻译:Caramazov, poor bastard... You gave us a Black Easter...)

3. Until recently, I was employed at Lockhart/Gardner Bond. (翻译:最近,我受雇于 在Lockhart/Gardner&bond律师事务所。)

4. But, Chan, what about your Mr. Bond? (翻译:你的邦德先生怎么办 What about your Mr. Bond?)

5. Poor Abu keeps his heart medication close at hand. (翻译:可怜的父亲把心脏理疗保险攥在手里 Poor Abu keeps his heart medication close at hand.)

6. I just heard the best joke about Bond Emeruwa. (翻译:我刚听到一个关于Bond Emeruwa的最有意思的笑话。)

7. Well, then you got lucky on account of me. (翻译:至于可怜的泰斯 就太惨啦 Poor old tice?)

8. Poor puppy! Poor little puppy! Pongo''''s sad. Look, Pongo. (翻译:可怜的小狗,可怜的小狗!彭哥很伤心。看看,彭哥。)

9. ♪ This my regal royal flow, my James Bond bounce ♪ (翻译:my James Bond bounce ♪)

10. He thinks he can break the bond between us. (翻译:他以为他能拆散我们 He thinks he can break the bond between us.)

11. So I had to look up this Derrick Bond. (翻译:所以我必须会一会这位Derrick Bond)

12. We always felt we had a special bond (翻译:# 我们之间总有那特殊纽带 # # We always felt we had a special bond #)

13. Poor sainted virgin! (翻译:可怜的圣女! )

14. Dr. Hunt... he wants all his files kept in storage. (翻译:-ins and usually poor. 亨特医生 他要求所有病历都要留存 Dr. Hunt...)

15. ♪now wait, wait, wait for me, please hang around ♪ (翻译:♪Every bond you break♪ ♪Every bond you break♪)

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