postdeterminers是什么意思 postdeterminers的中文翻译、读音、例句

postdeterminers是什么意思 postdeterminers的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:Yes, the congressman was intrigued by your message. (进入商务部任职交换下意见 of Lena Abbott to the commerce post.)


例句:To treat soldiers with post-traumatic stress. (帮助有创伤后应激障碍的战士 To treat soldiers with post -traumatic stress.)


例句:Post temple guards outside. (让神殿的护卫把守在外面 Post temple guards outside.)


例句:Post eyes at the exits and at the newsstand across the street. (翻译:在各个出口和街对面的报摊安排眼线 Post eyes at the exits and at the newsstand across the street.)


1. Post temple guards outside. (翻译:让神殿的护卫把守在外面 Post temple guards outside.)

2. Post eyes at the exits and at the newsstand across the street. (翻译:在各个出口和街对面的报摊安排眼线 Post eyes at the exits and at the newsstand across the street.)

3. The post was frozen solid and cracked. (翻译:那个电线杆被冻成了冰柱 然后破裂了 The post was frozen solid and cracked.)

4. Miss Constance Raynor of the Morning Post. (翻译:来自《邮政早报》的康妮·瑞诺小姐 Miss Constance Raynor of the Morning Post.)

5. Baby doll, ring up The Post. (翻译:亲爱的 帮我联系邮局的苏西 Baby doll, ring up The Post.)

6. The boy here is the man's son, his name is Douglas Post. (翻译:那孩子是那个男的的儿子 他叫Douglas Post)

7. Do you happen to know a gal named Maya that works at The Hitching Post? (翻译:你有没有碰巧认识一个叫Maya的女孩,她在The Hitching Post酒吧工作?)

8. Even inside the post office van, (翻译:就连邮局的车上 even inside the post office van,)

9. The other is a reporter from the Morning Post. (翻译:另外一位是《邮政早报》的记者 The other is a reporter from the Morning Post.)

10. Gloria hugged Douglas Post at the funeral. (翻译:Gloria在葬礼的时候拥抱了Doulas Post)

11. Come on, let me post this on your blog. (翻译:let me post this on your blog. -不)

12. In foreign languages... 70 soldiers of my very own army are seeing dreams. (翻译:petrik1 ipb@post. sk)

13. I have a right to post what I want. (翻译:我有权利发布我想发布的东西 I have a right to post what I want.)

14. Post office on Northeast Cromwell, second floor... (翻译:克伦威尔镇西北方的邮局二楼 Post office on Northeast Cromwell, second floor)

15. The faithful servant at his post once more. (翻译:忠诚的仆人 又坚守岗位了 The faithful servant at his post once more.)

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