preachify是什么意思 preachify的中文翻译、读音、例句

preachify是什么意思 preachify的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Do none of you practice what you preach? (你们怎么没人践行自己所宣扬的道? Do none of you practice what you preach?)


例句:Did St. Francis really preach to the birds? Whatever for? If he really liked birds he would have done better to preach to the cats. (圣方济是不是真的向小鸟讲道?所为何来?如果他真的喜欢小鸟,他应该已向猫讲过道?)


例句:We'll carry on hunting tomorrow. (-y, on reprendra la chasse demain.)


例句, I didn't mean to preach. (翻译,我并没有说教的意思。)


1. We'll carry on hunting tomorrow. (翻译:-y, on reprendra la chasse demain.)

I didn't mean to preach. (翻译,我并没有说教的意思。)

3. And become children In soul and mind (翻译:{Y: 我}而且成为儿童 {Y: 我的灵魂和精神})

4. Let y have the value 33. (翻译:假设y的值为33。)

5. Vince, via text, what is IW2.. SUTWTC means? (翻译:这意味着我W Y N Y T T S S 短信语言?)

6. And... it is not that it puts to me to me to preach there but that she is as if not outside I. (翻译:站在哪里讲道的不是我... ... 表面看起来是我,但其实不是)

7. Hazrat Ali: They first call us to the mosque and preach to us. (翻译:Hazrat Ali:他们以来就叫我们去清真寺,听布道, )

8. Let's say I'm especially influenced by '60s music, but I like to mix it up with more modern stuff. (翻译:{Y: I}从20世纪xx年代的灵感 {Y:)

9. Let's write the dominant yellow allele as an uppercase "Y" and the recessive green allele as a lowercase "y." (翻译:让我们把显性黄色等位基因写成大写的“Y” 隐性绿色等位基因写成小写的“y”。)

10. The majority of sermons that you preach will be purely expository and textual. (翻译:你的大多数讲道应该是纯粹释经式的和经文式的。)

11. Go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation. (翻译:你们往普天下去 传福音 Go into the world and preach the gospel 给万民听 to all creation.)

12. Sunny side of the streeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...... (翻译:{Y: 我}阳光的侧streeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ... ...)

13. We will find The child in ourselves (翻译:{Y: 我}我们会发现 {Y: 我对自己的孩子})

14. The map reference is Y4. (翻译:地图编号为Y4。)

15. Enable OProfile in the profiling menu and set CONFIG_PROFILING=y and CONFIG_OPROFILE=y in the . config file. (翻译:在评测菜单中启用Oprofile,在.config文件中设置CONFIG_PROFILING=y和CONFIG_OPROFILE=y。)



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