projective astroid是什么意思 projective astroid的中文翻译、读音、例句

projective astroid是什么意思 projective astroid的中文翻译、读音、例句

projective astroid的意思是"射影星形线",作为名词时有"射影星形线"的意思,单词读音音标为[projectiveastroid],projective astroid来源于英语,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到42个与projective astroid相关的例句。

Projective astroid的中文翻译


例句:The projective geometry -- that is, the way the things project, in fact, change in this way in the next moment. (这牵涉到投影几何学 在下一时刻 事物本来的投影方式发生了改变 )


projective astroid一般作为名词使用,如在astroid(数 星形线,星状的)、oblique astroid(斜星形线)、projection astroid(un. 射影星形线)等常见短语中出现较多。

astroid数 星形线,星状的
oblique astroid斜星形线
projection astroidun. 射影星形线
regular astroid正则星形线
direct projective正射影变换
elliptic projective椭圆性射影变换
hyperbolic projective双曲性直射
opposite projective反向射影


1. Once the imaged circular points of a projective plane are identified, then projective distortion may be rectified up to a similarity. (翻译:根据射影矫正基本原理,只要获得了平面虚原点的图像,平面的射影失真可以通过其虚原点的图像矫正到相差一个相似变换。)

2. The recurrent neural network model based on projective operator is studied. (翻译:研究了一种基于投影算子的神经网络模型。)

3. Aim a projective digital lensometer is presented. (翻译:目的描述一种投影式数字焦度计。)

4. Three- and four-dimensional reconstructions from projective and tomographic data sets are an alternative form of image display. (翻译:三个四维重建和层析从投影数据集是一种替代形式的图像显示。)

5. Construct an animation displaying an astroid sliding along three fixed concurrent lines meeting at 120 degrees. (翻译:建构一动态绘图:展示星状线的滚动,沿著共点及间隔120度的三切线。)

6. Based on projective contour a retrieval algorithm is proposed. (翻译:提出了一种基于投影轮廓的检索算法。)

7. The recurrent neural network(RNN) model based on projective operator is studied. (翻译:研究了一种基于投影算子的神经网络模型。)

8. By means of introducing semi-reflexive modules, we give the concept of SR-projective modules and SR-injective modules. (翻译:通过引入半自反模,给出了SR-投射模与SR-内射模的概念,并且分别研究了它们的性质。)

9. Obviously, a line of astroid nebula is a result which the star old age evolves. (翻译:可见,行星状星云是恒星晚年演化的结果。)

10. Wouk kind of virus gastroenteritis astroid virulent gastroenteritis. (翻译:诺沃克类病毒胃肠炎星状病毒性胃肠炎。)

11. In projective geometry one never measures anything, instead, one relates one set of points to another by a projectivity. (翻译:一个从未在射影几何任何措施,而是一个涉及一组点到另一个由投射。)

12. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed projective synchronization scheme. (翻译:数值模拟进一步证明了所提出的方法的有效性。)

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