propoxychel是什么意思 propoxychel的中文翻译、读音、例句

propoxychel是什么意思 propoxychel的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Investigators don't know whether the wheelchair was just a prop or whether the suspect was truly disabled. (调查人员并不知道这个轮椅只是一个”道具“还是嫌疑犯真的有残疾。)


例句:If the animal still will not leave, prop the door open with a stick and leave it for a while. (如果动物仍然将不离开,用一根根支撑门公开而且离开它一阵子。)





1. - We need prop-driven planes in here. (翻译:我们这里有防空机枪 派山迪式来,它们能低飞)

2. It's a prop from a movie and we're kind of fighting over it. (翻译:- 为什么? - 这是电影里的一个道具 我们几个都快为它争破头了)

3. Most of the controls'll be in the bridge back to the engine, rudder and prop. (翻译:大部分操纵装置都在 引擎 船舵和推进器后的船桥里)

4. She wants to be in your movie. I hear she gets great Oxy too. (翻译:她想演出你的电影 我听说她手头上有上等的镇痛药)

5. The first half of the word oxy- means "sharp. " (翻译:单词的前半部分oxy-意思是“有刺激性的,敏锐的”。)

6. Oxy Bar Soap 4. 2oz Salicylic Acid Acne Treatment HTF! (翻译:四氧肥皂4.2盎司水杨酸治疗痤疮导热油!)

7. I think I have some oxy left. We can do that. That was fun. (翻译:我剩下一些经考酗,我们可以做到的 那很好玩)

8. It would be a replica of a movie prop. (翻译:那肯定是电影道具的复制品 It would be a replica of a movie prop.)

9. Yeah, and this is a prop I got from the Boston Police Department. (翻译:是啊 这是我从波士顿警局弄来的另一件道具)

10. Lotte Mart and Reckitt Benckiser Oxy, two of the manufacturers, vowed to provide due compensation to the victims and their families. (翻译:乐天玛特和利洁时两家制造商表示将向受害者及其家庭提供适当补偿。)

11. All right, I have instrument, but only on single prop. (翻译:所有的权利,我有仪器, 但仅限于单一的道具.)

12. Cut fuel! Feather prop! Fire extinguishers! (翻译:切断油路,螺旋桨减速 打开灭火装置,关闭发动机)

13. A telescoping prop rod allows you to see all the wonders of DM's build. (翻译:压缩支柱棒的安培让你见到西德马克的建造所有的奇迹。)

14. I turned 18 and I voted today against Prop 6. (翻译:我已经18了,今天我给6号提案投了反对票)

15. Rudder Anodes, Prop Nut Anodes, Replacement Prop Anodes. (翻译:船舵阳极,支柱螺帽阳极,更换支柱阳极。)

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