quaisy是什么意思 quaisy的中文翻译、读音、例句

quaisy是什么意思 quaisy的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Teaches anthropology at the American University in Paris, does some work at the Musee du Quai Branly. (在巴黎教人类学的 在杜巴黎盖·布朗利博物馆工作)


1. Conclusion The anticomplementary polyphenol XCG-7 from the seed of Toona sinensis can promote SH-SY5Y cell growth, and protect SH-SY5Y cells from complement-induced injury. (翻译:结论香椿果抗补体活性多酚XCG-7能促进SH-SY5Y细胞的生长,对补体损伤神经细胞具有一定的保护作用。)

2. On the eighth day, quite by chance, I was driving on the Quai Malaquais and I ran into little Anne at the book stalls. (翻译:第八天,我刚巧路过一家书店 发现安一个人)

3. However, pregnant women, as well as people taking "blood-thinning" drugs, are highly discouraged from using any products containing Dong Quai. (翻译:然而怀孕的女性以及正在服用“血样稀释剂”药物的患者,强烈建议避免服用含有当归的药物。)

4. In material store, one of my favorite loco---Changchun SY 3005 working here. (翻译:材料储存库里,我最喜爱的机车之一--长春SY3005正在此工作。)

5. Ford decided that he would appoint a commission to investigate domestic surveillance as revealed by Sy Hersh's story. (翻译:福特决定他将任命一个委员会来 调查 赫斯一案中的国内间谍案)

6. Dong Quai used in Asia for centuries to help ease menopause symptoms; (翻译:几个世纪以来,DongQuaib被用来帮助亚洲妇女缓解更年期症状;)

7. If you're traveling by Batobus, get off at the Louvre stop, quai Francois Mitterrand. (翻译:如果你想坐游艇巴士去那里旅游的话,到密特朗码头上岸。)

8. Trypan blue exclusion was used to detect the antiproliferative effect of ATRA on SY5Y cells. (翻译:采用台盼蓝拒染法检测ATRA对SY5Y细胞的体外抗增殖作用; )

9. The taxi ride cost 23 quai – and gave me a comfortable and interesting start of my working day! (翻译:坐的士花了23块 – 让我享受了一个轻松愉快的早晨! )

10. Museum, the Smithsonian, and the Quai Branly Museum in Paris. (翻译:史密森尼博物馆 以及巴黎的布朗利博物馆各一个)

11. Teaches anthropology at the American University in Paris, does some work at the Musee de Quai Branly. (翻译:在巴黎教人类学的 在杜巴黎盖·布朗利博物馆工作)

12. Any exchange of motors to other vessels than as from the beginning will be clarified between SY and DNV. (翻译:SY与挪威船级社将对任何一开始就交换到其他货船上的电机进行澄清。)

13. I bet the next time we see Sy... he won't seem so sad. (翻译:下一次我们看见 Sy 的时候 他就不会那么悲伤了)

14. At the Musee du quai Branly in Paris, an official told us that the War God there is now state property with no provisions for repatriation. (翻译:在巴黎的凯布朗利博物馆, 一位管理人员称那里的战神现在属于国有财产, 没有归还的规定。)

15. There isn obvious key reson for this merger progrm. Tht is to sy, both our firms will benefit lot from it nd win-win situation will occur. (翻译:很明显,最关键的原因就是我们两家公司都可以从中获益,会出现一个双赢的局面。)

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