quakeproofing是什么意思 quakeproofing的中文翻译、读音、例句

quakeproofing是什么意思 quakeproofing的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Proofing means to prove that the dough is alive. (二次发酵按字面理解,就是证明一下面团是在呼吸的。)


1. The italian quake of 1908 was only 7.5 magnitude... (翻译:xx年意大利地震 只有7.5级...)

2. She was the copywriter, but the proofing process we had in place involved the product manager as well as a proofreader. (翻译:她只不过是文案编写员,较对程序包括生产经理,也是校对者。)

3. The invention is easy to implement the water proofing of the arranged-upward plasma illuminator. (翻译:本发明的等离子体照明装置,容易实现向上设置的等离子体照明装置的防水。)

4. Here are the pulse rates before the quake. (翻译:这是地震前的震波曲线 Here are the pulse rates before the quake. - 嗯 好的)

5. And the asterisks represent the time at which the mosquito proofing was complete. (翻译:这些星号表示防蚊措施实施 完成的时间。)

6. Vampire-proofing is, uh, a lot more labor intensive than rat-proofing. (翻译:疾控中心的前成员吗 你听说Everett Barnes的事了吗)

7. [ sighs ] thank you. Uh, bacon burger turbo, large chili-cheese fry, Uh, and a healthquake salad shake? (翻译:谢谢 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}Thank you. and a health quake salad shake?)

8. If that wasn't a quake down there, then something else caused it... or planned it. (翻译:如果那不是地震 就是什么造成的 或是计划的)

9. We can now leverage microfluidics, like this chip made by Steve Quake at Stanford. (翻译:像斯坦福的Steve Quake公司制造的芯片。)

10. Well the quake took out 3 local power stations. (翻译:- 地震摧毁三个局部 - - 电源供应器。核聚变反应堆。)

11. Well, at least you mud-fish finally got the angel-proofing right. (翻译:at least you mudfish finally got the angel -proofing right.)

12. - You even proofing this thing, Jimbo? (翻译:Jimbo?)

13. Suppose we release this info, and there's no quake. (翻译:再想想如果我们发布了消息,但没有地震,那怎么办?)

14. The 3.3 measure on the Richter scale makes it only a relatively significant quake. (翻译:但还没发现损坏 那是3.3级的地震 只是一个相连的地震)

15. They recommended that the viaduct be replaced rather than quake-proofed. (翻译:他们建议更换这座高架桥,而不要对其做抗震处理。)

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