quantity estimate sheet是什么意思 quantity estimate sheet的中文翻译、读音、例句

quantity estimate sheet是什么意思 quantity estimate sheet的中文翻译、读音、例句

quantity estimate sheet通常被翻译为"工作量估计单"的意思,其次还有"工作量估计单"的意思,读音为[quantityestimatesheet],quantity estimate sheet来源于英语,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到81个与quantity estimate sheet相关的例句。

Quantity estimate sheet的释义


例句:We wore, um, little strips of sheet... sometimes over our nose and mouth... so that we wouldn't breathe so much of it. (有时 我们用碎布... We wore, um, little strips of sheet... 捂住口鼻...)


quantity estimate sheet一般作为名词使用,如在estimate sheet(估计单)、quantity sheet([经] 工程数量(工作量)表)、estimate(估计 )等常见短语中出现较多。

estimate sheet估计单
quantity sheet[经] 工程数量(工作量)表
estimate at估计, 猜测…为
estimate for对…作出估价
estimate in估计在(某时)到达:;以…衡量:
in quantity大量
quantity in[网络] 进货数量;进货数目


1. The main products are PVC calendered sheet material, environment-friendly PET sheet, plate; (翻译:主要产品有PVC压延片材、环保型的PET片材、板材; )

2. Expressed or expressible as a quantity. (翻译:一盒所能盛的量或数量。)

3. In post-mining, the AUV ia used to investigate the track and press depth by the miner on the lake bottom, and to estimate the pick quantity. (翻译:在深海采矿系统作业后期,利用AUV调查集矿机在湖底的行走轨迹和压陷深度,估算回采率。)

4. Table 1. Elements and attributes of sheet1.xml. (翻译:表1 . sheet1 . xml的元素和属性。)

5. I had to borrow this sheet from the ambulance. (翻译:我不得不从救护车上借来床单 I had to borrow this sheet from the ambulance.)

6. The Senate estimate child care rebates. (翻译:参议院估计儿童关怀要消减 The Senate estimate child care rebates.)

7. My estimate was bang on target. (翻译:我的估计完全准确。)

8. Drag a Button control onto Sheet1 and change the following properties (翻译:将“Button”控件拖动到Sheet1上,并更改以下属性)

9. The low estimate is the nuclear energy industry estimate of nuclear. (翻译:低的这个统计数据是核工业体系 统计的, )

10. The quantity is toos mall ! (翻译:这个数量太长了! )

11. Not it was for the quantity of drugs, they didn't have idea of the quantity that Ilegaba. (翻译:不是,它是对药物的数量, 他们没有足够的数量了Ilegaba的想法。)

12. - Range: 3,000 yards and closing fast. (翻译:-Then give it run at 115%. -Estimate range: 3,000 yards.)

13. A bed sheet or a plastic sheet? (翻译:- 是床单还是塑料单? {\fntahoma\fs9\bord0\1cH00FFFF\b0}A bed sheet or a plastic sheet?)

14. I slit a sheet, a sheet I slit. Upon the slitted sheet I sit. (翻译:我撕开了一条床单,一条床单我撕开了。我坐在这条撕开的床单上。)

15. How many sheets could a sheet slitter slit if a sheet slitter could slit sheets? (翻译:如果纸张切刀能够切割纸张的话,纸张切刀能切开多少张纸? )

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