reeducative psychotherapy是什么意思 reeducative psychotherapy的中文翻译、读音

reeducative psychotherapy是什么意思 reeducative psychotherapy的中文翻译、读音

reeducative psychotherapy的意思是"再教育心理治疗",在英美地区还有"再教育心理治疗"的意思,单词读音音标为[reeducativepsychotherapy],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到14个与reeducative psychotherapy相关的例句。

Reeducative psychotherapy的释义


例句:The REE pattern also indicates that different beds of Yixian Formation have similar material sources. (稀土元素分特征还反映出,不同的义县组火山-沉积岩层位之间具有相似的物源关系。)


reeducative psychotherapy一般作为名词使用,如在reeducative(再教育的 )、psychotherapy(心理疗法 )、directive psychotherapy(指导式心理治疗(法))等常见短语中出现较多。

directive psychotherapy指导式心理治疗(法)
eclectic psychotherapy折衷心理治疗
existential psychotherapy存在心理治疗
gestalt psychotherapy完形心理治疗(法)
group psychotherapy集体心理治疗
humanistic psychotherapy人本主义心理治疗
individual psychotherapy个别精神疗法;个别心理治疗


1. Ducat is any of various gold coins formerly used in certain European countries. (翻译:达克特是旧时用于某些欧洲国家的各类金币。)

2. Ive tried, but failed. (翻译:我试过,但失败了。)

3. Utgarde Keep is one of the most visually impre ive edifices in all of World of Warcraft. (翻译:乌特加德是《魔兽世界》乌特加德城堡任务中最触目惊心的建筑物之一。)

4. Ducat also formed and now heads the National disease Research Interchange, which procures human tissues for vital research. (翻译:杜坎特还成立并率领了“全国疾病研究交流中心”,核中心设法获得供生命研究用的人体组织。)

5. i have to, ive already booked the tickets just think about it alright. (翻译:无论如何我是去定了。我必须得去,我已经定好票了 你考虑考虑,好吧.)

6. Ducat tried to reach out to other mothers of diabetic kids, but at first no one wanted to talk. (翻译:杜坎特想和有糖尿病孩子的母亲交往。但一开始人愿意和她深入交谈。)

7. REE geochemical characteristics of the Lower Cretaceous mudstone in Suibin Depression of eastern Heilongjiang Province (翻译:黑龙江省东部绥滨坳陷下白垩统泥岩稀土元素地球化学特征)

8. ive just popped a cake into the oven. I'll just go and check on it. (翻译:我刚才正在用烤箱烤了一块蛋糕 让我去看看)

9. Ive got a puzzle that needs solving, and yourre just the asari for the job... (翻译:иΤ惠璶秆∕螟肈τタ碞琌嘿戮诧腞)

10. Ive done what you asked, now let me go, this instant- (翻译:и竒弧暗и硂俐丁)

11. Wget downloads the current REE tarball, which is then unpacked by tar. (翻译:wget下载当前REE tarball,然后通过tar解包。)

12. Jennifer Lawrence's Ree Dolly wants to join the Army. (翻译:詹妮弗·劳伦斯的瑞依多利想要参军。)

13. Lenders are looking to avoid taking on exce ive risk by focusing on existing customers. (翻译:债权方通过专注现有的客户,试图避免承担跟多的风险。)

14. Since I came back from Australia Ive been living HITORI GURASHII. (翻译:从澳洲回来之后我一直都是一个人住呢。)

15. The silicic volcanic rocks of Carboniferous times has similar REE and trace elemental geochemistry as continental rhyolite. (翻译:石炭纪酸性火山岩的稀土和微量元素地球化学特征与陆内流纹岩相似。)

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