reed cap是什么意思 reed cap的中文翻译、读音、例句

reed cap是什么意思 reed cap的中文翻译、读音、例句

reed cap的中文解释是"舌簧盖",在英美地区还有"舌簧盖"的意思,发音音标为[reedcap],reed cap在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到92个与reed cap相关的句子。

Reed cap的释义


例句:it'sreedthatisonour it'sreedthatisonour team. (-3打平 - 加油 Reed - 目标是5分)


reed cap一般作为名词使用,如在the CAP([网络] 瓶盖;奖帽;镜珠简介)、to cap([网络] 封盖)、double reed(双筘)等常见短语中出现较多。

the CAP[网络] 瓶盖;奖帽;镜珠简介
to cap[网络] 封盖
double reed双筘
divergent reed分纱筘
dividing reed分经筘
ditch reed[植物]芦苇
Egyptian reed(古埃及)造纸草
expansion reed伸缩筘
false reed假筘


1. Love ones, on hunahpu we have one pair of loved ones, josh and (翻译:Hunahpu 有一对亲属 Josh和Reed)

2. Any indication Dalia or Reed weren't getting along with Holden? Oh, yeah. (翻译:Dalia┪Reed㎝HoldenΤ筁窃盾?)

3. At this time we can confirm that her name is Meredith Reed... (翻译:目前只能确定她名叫Meredith Reed...)

4. Small cap funds overpower high cap funds over time... (翻译:小盘基金压倒 高盖资金随着时间的推移...)

5. - Her name's Meredith Reed, journalist. (翻译:她叫Meredith Reed 是报道和谈会议的记者)

6. Third bag. It is reed and josh going to It is reed and josh going to solve the puzzle for hunahpu. (翻译:Reed和Josh要为Hunahpu解开拼图)

7. Reed after the explosion today. (翻译:今天爆炸之后 替Reed处理了伤势 Reed after the explosion today.)

8. And plus, he said he was going to get rid of the Caps Lock key -- -- and the Num Lock key, too. (翻译:此外他说,他要除去 Cap Lock 键 – – 还有 Num Lock 键。)

9. Reed has josh on the edge. Reed has josh on the edge. Josh goes in. (翻译:Josh下水 Reed为Hunahpu得分!)

10. I told Cap and some of the guys that I was gonna get together with them but... (翻译:我告诉Cap他们要和他们出去的 但是...)

11. I provided a service on the payroll. You can talk to my man Reed. (翻译:и祇и戈矗ㄑ狝叭 拜иReed)

12. And that it drowns the tender reed (翻译:# 会淹没柔嫩的芦苇 # # And that it drowns the tender reed #)

13. They took inspiration from, of all things, Cap'n Crunch. (翻译:出乎人意料的是,他们的灵感来自 Cap‘n Crunch麦片。)

14. A reed collector in the marshlands. (翻译:沼泽地中的收芦苇者。)

15. For that old silk cap they found (翻译:For that old silk cap they found)

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