reef tackle patch是什么意思 reef tackle patch的中文翻译、读音、例句

reef tackle patch是什么意思 reef tackle patch的中文翻译、读音、例句

reef tackle patch的意思是"帆角补钉",作为名词时有"帆角补钉"的意思,在线读音是[reeftacklepatch],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到24个与reef tackle patch相关的句子。

Reef tackle patch的中文翻译


例句:Dog Patch Red to Yellow Kid. (Dog Patch Red呼叫Yellow Kid.)


reef tackle patch一般作为名词使用,如在reef tackle(缩帆绞辘)、patch reef(补丁礁;礁斑)、reef patch(礁斑)等常见短语中出现较多。

reef tackle缩帆绞辘
patch reef补丁礁;礁斑
reef patch礁斑
patch reef trap补丁礁圈闭
tackle to tackle吊钩至吊钩
tackle on公开〔坦诚〕地向(某人)谈…
tackle to劲头十足地开始工作


1. And there's a beautiful reef, very complex reef, with lots of animals, including a lot of octopus. (翻译:那里有美丽的珊瑚礁 结构复杂,是许多动物的栖息之地, 包括许多的章鱼。)

2. She said she wanted to see the sea, reef and crabs under reef before death. (翻译:她说她想在临死之前看看大海,看看海边的礁石,还有礁石下的小螃蟹。)

3. Eddie, I need to talk to you about Jerry Patch. (翻译:Eddie 我要和你谈谈Jerry Patch)

4. So the young reef fish are safe for now until they make the big move out to the reef. (翻译:因此小堡礁鱼儿们暂时安全 直到它们长大离开大堡礁)

5. The sawbones patch you up okay? (翻译:医生给你缝合得如何 The sawbones patch you up okay?)

6. This involves moving young coral from a healthy reef onto a degraded reef, in an attempt to regenerate the degraded reef by encouraging young healthy coral to take over. (翻译:这涉及到把年轻珊瑚从一个健康珊瑚礁移到一个退化的珊瑚礁上,通过促进年轻健康的珊瑚来接管,试图使退化的珊瑚礁再生。)

7. Our boat foundered on a reef. (翻译:我们的船触礁沉没。)

8. Now, I can't guarantee it's enough range, but... (翻译:请做吧,修补上通讯缺口 Do it. Please. Patch them through.)

9. - Why is he mowing your dirt patch? (翻译:- Why is he mowing your dirt patch?)

10. And there's a beautiful reef, very complex reef, with lots of animals, including a lot of octopus. (翻译:那里有美丽的珊瑚礁 结构复杂,是许多动物的栖息之地, 包括许多的章鱼。)

11. Can you patch Jan through? (翻译:你能接通简的电话吗? Can you patch Jan through?)

12. Like, in case of emergencies or something? (翻译:to patch up bullet wounds? Like, in case of 什么突然状况?)

13. The green colorindicates vegetation on Late Island, while Home Reef can be seen on thelower left. (翻译:图中绿色表示“晚岛”上的植被,图中左下方能看到Home Reef。)

14. And that is the same reef; that's the same reef 15 years ago; that's the same reef today. (翻译:那是同一个珊瑚礁 xx年前的那个珊瑚礁 这是今天的同一个珊瑚礁)

15. Jays are too large for the tiny male to tackle. (翻译:Jays are too large for the tiny male to tackle. 雄雀鹰无法扑到体型大的松鸡)

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