repeat to是什么意思 repeat to的中文翻译、读音、例句

repeat to是什么意思 repeat to的中文翻译、读音、例句

repeat to在英语中代表"向…重复说…"的意思,其中文解释还有"向…重复说…"的意思,读音为[repeatto],repeat to常被用作名词,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到83个与repeat to相关的例句。

Repeat to的翻译


例句:I repeat, on the level below. (重复一遍 在你们下一层 我看不到了 消失了)


repeat to一般作为名词使用,如在repeat(重复 )、repeat on([网络] 重复接通)、direct repeat(同向重复[序列])等常见短语中出现较多。

repeat on[网络] 重复接通
direct repeat同向重复[序列]
full repeat完全花纹,完全组织
helical repeat[医]螺旋重复
indefinite repeat[计] 不定重复
inverted repeat反向重复[序列]
keyboard repeat键盘重复击键功能
Listen and repeat听的同时跟着念


1. Repeat is the doohickey of the memory. (翻译:重复是记忆的窍门。)

2. The plane is on the ground. (翻译:Repeat. The plane is on the ground.)

3. I repeat, do not attempt docking. (翻译:Do not attempt docking. I repeat, do not attempt docking.)

4. -Uh, repeat your transmission. (翻译:请重复 Uh, repeat your transmission.)

5. Come on, everybody, take a real deep breath and repeat after me (翻译:快 大家深吸一口气跟我重复 Come on, everybody, take a real deep breath and repeat after me)

6. Bite, chew, swallow, repeat. (翻译:咬 咀嚼 吞下去 然后重复 Bite, chew, swallow, repeat.)

7. XForms makes it easy to iterate over nested sets like this through the nesting of the corresponding repeats. (翻译:通过将相应的repeat嵌套,XForms使在类似这样的嵌套集上迭代得以轻松实现。)

8. I repeat, three on foot toward the dome. (翻译:重复一次 三个目标向圆顶方向逃跑 I repeat, three on foot toward the dome.)

9. I repeat, arm weapons and prepare to fire. (翻译:I repeat: Arm weapons and prepare to fire. 收到。)

10. I repeat, absolutely no Rambos. (翻译:所以禁止个人主义 重复一下 绝对禁止个人主义)

11. Capricorns never repeat their mistakes. (翻译:摩羯座的从不会重复同样的错误。)

12. Repeat transmission. [ radio static crackles ] (翻译:请重复上条信息 Repeat transmission.)

13. Must i constantly repeat myself? If you don't know what i want by now-- (翻译:我非得不断重复吗 Must I constantly repeat myself?)

14. I repeat, an incident in the cafeteria. (翻译:食堂里发生情况 请阿尔法队援助 请阿尔法队援助)

15. I repeat, there is no reason for you to land at this location at this time. (翻译:I repeat, there is no reason for you to land at this location at this time. 重复,你们不必登陆这个星球)

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