repellent escapement是什么意思 repellent escapement的中文翻译、读音、例句

repellent escapement是什么意思 repellent escapement的中文翻译、读音、例句

repellent escapement在英语中代表"反叉式擒纵机构"的意思,在日常中也代表"反叉式擒纵机构"的意思,读音为[repellentescapement],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到63个与repellent escapement相关的句子。

Repellent escapement的词典翻译


例句:In the mid-1970s he made a double-escapement watch for Mr Clutton which, over 32 days, lost less than a second. (20世纪xx年代中期,他为Sam Clutton制作了一块双擒纵机构的表。32天里表的误差没有超过一秒。)


repellent escapement一般作为名词使用,如在repellent(排斥的 )、escapement(钟表的擒纵机构 )、dirt repellent(un. 防尘剂;防污剂)等常见短语中出现较多。

dirt repellentun. 防尘剂;防污剂
flame repellent拒燃的
gustatory repellent农药味觉驱避剂
moisture repellent防水的
mosquito repellent[医]驱蚊器
moth repellent防蛀剂
oil repellent防油的


1. Basically, the ancient Chinese escapement regulator was a waterwheel steelyard-clepsydra device. (翻译:古中国擒纵调速器的基本型式是“水轮秤漏装置”。)

2. With the investment you've made, bought 5000 tons of steel, 10000 tons of cement, and 15000 tons of fly repellent. (翻译:如果各位愿意投资 我们将购买五千吨钢材 一万吨水泥 和一万五千吨驱蝇剂)

3. ZSR, a water and oil repellent organic fluorine, is used in cotton knits finishing. (翻译:采用奥利氟宝ZSR有机氟拒水拒油剂对纯棉针织物整理;)

4. However the first thing that I needed was mosquito repellent typography because they were definitely around heavily. (翻译:然而,我首先需要的是 驱蚊剂 因为蚊子太多了 )

5. It is to us that the sad... distressing, repellent duty falls, gentlemen. (翻译:对我们来说... 令人沮丧、痛心、厌恶,先生们)

6. Objective To evaluate repellent activity of 69 terpenoids against Monomorium pharaonis. (翻译:目的测定69个萜类化合物对小黄家蚁的驱避效果。)

7. One minute you're relaxing on the deck with a drink, the next you're jumping around slapping your ankles, yelling for the insect repellent. (翻译:前一分钟你还正在甲板上休息品茶,接着跳起来拍打脚踝,大声喊着要驱蚊剂。)

8. Their political ideas are repellent to most people. (翻译:他们的政治观点令大多数人反感。)

9. Velvets can be made water-repellent and crush-resistant. They are also occasionally patterned or embossed. (翻译:立绒经处理能防水抗压,有时也可制成提花或压花立绒。)

10. Covering up and applying insect repellent does work ... (翻译:包覆起来并且使用防蚊液 确实行得通.... )

11. And so they proceeded to invent the verge-and-foliot escapement, using a falling weight as with its Greek antecedents. (翻译:于是他们利用希腊早就使用的重锤着手发明了立轴横杆式擒纵机构。)

12. The water-and-oil-repellent finish is one of the effective ways for further increasing added value of real silk fabric. (翻译:拒水拒油整理是进一步提升真丝织物附加值的有效方法之一。)

13. Specifies the angle, in tenths of degrees, between the escapement vector and the x-axis of the device. (翻译:以十分之一度为单位,指定设备的行距向量和x轴之间的角度。)

14. As an insecticidal and acaricidal agent, silafluofen has remarkable repellent activity to termite, while displaying low toxicity towards fish and mammals. (翻译:氟硅菊酯是一种广谱杀虫杀螨剂,对白蚁有良好的驱避效果,同时对哺乳动物和鱼低毒。)

15. Nobody's getting replaced! SCHUMACHER: It resulted in the Woody character being one of the most repellent things you've ever seen on screen. (翻译:这个版本的胡迪成为电影史上最令人反感的角色)

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