replaceable shin plate是什么意思 replaceable shin plate的中文翻译、读音、例句

replaceable shin plate是什么意思 replaceable shin plate的中文翻译、读音、例句

replaceable shin plate通常被翻译为"可换式犁胫板"的意思,作为名词时有"可换式犁胫板"的意思,读音为[replaceableshinplate],replaceable shin plate常被用作名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到87个与replaceable shin plate相关的句子。

Replaceable shin plate的中文翻译


例句:The largest is the Shin-Etsu Chemical Corporation. (最大的一家是信越化学公司。)


replaceable shin plate一般作为名词使用,如在replaceable shin(可换犁胫刃板,可换犁胸)、replaceable(a. 可替换的, 可代替的, 可放在原处的\n[法] 可归原处的, 可替换的, 可撤换的)、shin(胫部 )等常见短语中出现较多。

replaceable shin可换犁胫刃板,可换犁胸
replaceablea. 可替换的, 可代替的, 可放在原处的\n[法] 可归原处的, 可替换的, 可撤换的
field replaceable[网络] 现场更换
replaceable attachment[建] 可更换工具
replaceable base置换性盐基
replaceable bases代换性盐基
replaceable battery可更换电池
replaceable bit可替换刀头


1. And then you use your shin to stabilize your left hand. (翻译:用你的小腿稳定住你的左手 And then you use your shin to stabilize your left hand.)

2. Hey, buddy, take your plate with you. (翻译:take your plate with you.)

3. He wound up with the plate. (翻译:他确实得到了印版 Oh, he wound up with the plate.)

4. Shin explains that these confrontations are increasingly common. (翻译:Shin解释说这样的对峙越来越经常发生。)

5. If we lose half this column, it's not readily replaceable. (翻译:如果我们失去了这一半纵队 是没那么容易补充的)

6. # You better get your best to the plate or it be the gong # (翻译:# You better get your best to the plate or it be the gong #)

7. The license plate of the man is. (翻译:这男的车牌号是... The license plate of the man is.)

8. To maintain a regal gait leave the parsley on your plate (翻译:To maintain a regal gait,leave the parsley on you plate 步伐高贵,举止优雅)

9. I want a replaceable battery. (翻译:我想要一个可替换的电池。)

10. Was there a knife on that plate? (翻译:刚才盘子上是不是有把刀子来着? Was there a knife on that plate?)

11. - Takes a big man to step up to the plate. (翻译:- 是的 没错 Takes a big man to step up to the plate. Yes, it does.)

12. License plate number GRK998. (翻译:尾号GRK998 License plate number GRK998.)

13. This is plate number 12358B. (翻译:这是12358B号 This is plate number 12358B.)

14. Shin knows that so he uses his head (翻译:很了解这一点的申载硕选手 很聪明的应对着比赛)

15. She gave him a kick on the shin. (翻译:她朝他的小腿踢了一脚。)

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