repremiation是什么意思 repremiation的中文翻译、读音、例句

repremiation是什么意思 repremiation的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:When you sing, you begin with Do-Re-Mi (当你唱歌时,你先从 Do Re Mi 开始)


例句:Your father will kill you. (你爸会杀了你的 Ton père va te tuer.)


1. Hadyn Parry: Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease (翻译:Hadyn Parry: Re-engineering mosquitos to fight disease)

2. Do-re-mi-fa-so and so on are only the tools we use to build a song. (翻译:Do Re Mi... 只是个来唱歌的工具)

3. Re-engage autopilot switches. (翻译:重新按自动驾驶开关 Re -engage autopilot switches.)

4. In front of or behind the dromedary's hump. (翻译:坐在驼峰前面还是后面 Assis devant ou derrière la bosse du dromadaire?)

5. The result of selecting coope ation will unite Public goal and private profit to reach that goal. (翻译:而如何操作才能将公共目标与私人利益统一起来,选择合作,将会有助于目标的完成。)

6. Film is a kind of art th at combine sp ace and time, also be ac carrier of an ation " culture, at these ame time embody an ation" tradition. (翻译:电影是一门空间与时间相结合的艺术,同时也是整个社会、文化的外化形式,承载着一个国家、一个民族的传统。)

7. I received an inv IT ation to the party yesterday, but I refused to accept IT. (翻译:昨天我接到一份参加晚会的邀请,拒绝了接受。)

8. In continuous action against the plight of education (翻译:托马斯 你给莫里哀写信呢 Thomas, tu écris à Molière?)

9. I always see this picture, when I saw your parents for the first time. (翻译:第一次见到你父母的场景 la première fois que je les ai vus.)

10. seemsunrealthepower re-embrace again. (翻译:看上去不象是真的电力 re -embrace / i -)

11. I brought a 2005 Chateau de la Vere. (翻译:我带了xx年的Chateau de la Vère)

12. And traced the routing and re-routing. (翻译:追踪了钱的去路 and traced the routing and re -routing.)

13. Yep, been re-elected five times. (翻译:没错。已经5次当选了 Yep, been re -elected five times.)

14. What happens at these re-enactments? (翻译:这些历史重现中都发生了什么呀? What happens at these re -enactments?)

15. A Tentative Study on the Cohesion and Coherence in Sun Zhili's Chinese Transl ation of Pride and Prejudice (翻译:浅论《傲慢与偏见》孙致礼中译本的衔接与连贯)

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