richies是什么意思 richies的中文翻译、读音、例句

richies是什么意思 richies的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:Couldn't it be something more manageable, like Lionel Richie? (就不能看温和点的 比如莱昂纳尔・里奇[情歌王子])


例句:Richie, Richie, if you can hear me, we're leaving the ship. (Richie如果你能听见我说话的话 我们要离开这条船了)


1. You know the video of, uh, Lionel Richie with the blind lady? (翻译:你知道莱昂纳尔・里奇和一个盲女人一起唱的一首歌吗?)

2. Richie's crazy like a fox, Stevie. (翻译:Richie像狐狸一样疯狂,Stevie。)

3. - Not getting tired, are you, Richie? (翻译:- Not getting tired, are you, Richie? 你不累吗,富二代)

4. His name... was Richie Whelan. (翻译:他的名字... ... ...是里奇惠兰。)

5. Richie's gonna give you a false tell, then they'll wait till you've gone all in. (翻译:Richie会有些小动作 那是假的 这样才能骗你)

6. No way. We Sunday Sisters top everyone. (翻译:不会,我觉得S u n d a y S i s t e r s 比齐豫唱得更好呀)

7. He liked Richie's lifestyle, his money. (翻译:他喜欢理查的生活方式,他的钱,他的女人。)

8. Richie said, you will say that. (翻译:里奇猜到你会这么说 Richie said, you will say that.)

9. We have an agent in Miami, goes by the name of Richie Gazzo. (翻译:比如呢? 迈阿密的探员里奇 卡佐也在着手)

10. You need to tell Richie about your cats. (翻译:跟里奇说说你的猫 You need to tell Richie about your cats.)

11. Not your typical day in the life of a dope man, Richie. (翻译:Richie,这听上去可不像大毒枭的日常生活)

12. Just call him, leave a message, say he's out. (翻译:里奇 你试过了 再给他个电话 Richie, you tried your best.)

13. That's why you called me every night. Hey, it's the cook. (翻译:或许我该称呼你喜剧演员,衣服很漂亮,Richie)

14. Richie: Oh that 's ok, this was the best day of my life. (翻译:瑞西:哦,没关系,今天是我最愉快的日子。)

15. You all get on out. Let me talk to Mr. Richie alone. (翻译:你们出去,让我和Richie先生单独谈谈)



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