ripi是什么意思 ripi的中文翻译、读音、例句

ripi是什么意思 ripi的中文翻译、读音、例句





1. 英语:The storm ripped the roof off the house.(风暴把屋顶刮掉了。)

2. 法语:Le vent fort a ripé la voile.(强风撕裂了帆。)

3. 西班牙语:El terremoto ripió la ciudad entera.(地震毁灭了整个城市。)

4. 德语:Das Feuer hat das Haus vollständig gerippt.(火把房子全部烧毁了。)

5. 日语:台風が家屋を破壊して大きな損害を与えました。(台风破坏了房屋,造成了巨大的损失。)

6. 俄语:Взрыв рипнул дом.(爆炸摧毁了房子。)




例句:This is gonna rip him apart. (这会让他崩溃的 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}This is gonna rip him apart.)


例句:I'll kill 'em, but I'll rip out their guts first. (我会杀死他们,会先 把他们的心肝挖出来)


例句:I will take a knife, rip your stomach open, and feed your heart to yourself! (我会拿刀子, 撕裂你的肚子打开, 并喂你的心脏给自己吧!)


ripi一般作为名词使用,如在Ripi([地名] 里皮 ( 意 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Ripi[地名] 里皮 ( 意 )


1. I will take a knife, rip your stomach open, and feed your heart to yourself! (翻译:我会拿刀子, 撕裂你的肚子打开, 并喂你的心脏给自己吧!)

2. I'm a big hungry bear, and I'm gonna rip you to shreds! (翻译:我是只又凶又饿的大熊 看我把你们吃了 哇)

3. I heard the tent rip. (翻译:我听到了帐篷撕裂的声音。)

4. Every time I see your face I want to rip your throat out. (翻译:你给我听好了... 每次看到你 我就想扯断你的喉咙)

5. I will rip your voice box out of your throat! (翻译:当我出来 我就把你的声带从喉咙里揪出来!)

6. I still wanted to rip his head off ... and now I could not do more. (翻译:因为就算那样 我仍然想把他的头给砍下来 办不到)

7. I want to kill onstage, not have some tiger rip my hand-- (翻译:我表演工作是要训服它们,而不是让它们来训服我的不爽就咬我)

8. Say it again and I will rip your lying tongue out, kinslayer. (翻译:再说一遍我就把你这个说谎的舌头割掉,弑亲者。)

9. I'll rip it out of you! Give me... (翻译:我向上帝发誓要把你撕烂 拿出来,给我...)

10. I'll tear you apart... I'll rip you apart... (翻译:我要把你撕成碎片 等手复原了 把你大卸八块)

11. Rip the guts out of it. Give it the bejesus! (翻译:我要杀了这个混蛋 看在上帝的份上把他交给我吧)

12. The efficiency and preventing plug measures are studied of interstage airlift for RIP sorption unit. (翻译:对RIP法吸附设备级间空气提升器的效率和防堵进行了研究。)

13. I will rip your skin off, strip by strip. (翻译:Or I swear 一刀一刀地割 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}strip by strip.)

14. If we wrote, I think he would rip up the letter. (翻译:如果我们写信,我想他会把信撕得粉碎。)

15. ♪ to rip the nails out of the past ♪ (翻译:♪To rip the nails out of the past♪)

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