rosthwaites是什么意思 rosthwaites的中文翻译、读音、例句

rosthwaites是什么意思 rosthwaites的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:We're at Thwaite Station and we've got a long drive before us. (我们已经到了瑟威特车站,待会还有一段很长的车程要赶。)

例句:If you want to reduce some stress, you can reduce this by the word S-T-R-E-S-S, that's stress. (如果您想减轻压力,可以用 S-T-R-E-S-S 来减轻压力。)


例句:Ros, excuse me, wanted to remind you about our field trip tomorrow. (箩纱 我想提醒你 我们班明天有个课外活动)


1. Ros, excuse me, wanted to remind you about our field trip tomorrow. (翻译:箩纱 我想提醒你 我们班明天有个课外活动)

2. Your next tumble with Ros is on me. (翻译:你下回上萝丝的钱我来出吧. Your next tumble with Ros is on me.)

3. And welcome to STS-200 ops overview briefing. (翻译:欢迎莅临 S T S 2 0 0 行动简报)

4. A majority of the stresses can directly or indirectly induce the reactive oxygen species (ROS) of S. pombe. (翻译:大多数压力会直接或间接引起粟酒裂殖酵母的活性氧压力。)

5. I'll turn them all into Iranoffs, Buljanoffs, and Kopalskis. (翻译:我会把他们变成伊万诺夫s 布杰诺夫s和卡巴斯基s)

6. That makes me Brittany S. Pierce. (翻译:全名是 布里特妮・S・皮尔斯 That makes me Brittany S.)

7. Because STS-200 is a delicate, top-secret satellite recovery that's why. (翻译:因为 S T S 2 0 0 是最高机密 所以不能)

8. The isearch-forward-regexp and isearch-backward-regexp functions are typically bound to the M-S-s and M-S-r keystrokes. (翻译:isearch-forward-regexp 和 isearch-backward-regexp 功能通常绑定到 M-S-s 和 M-S-r 键盘输入。)

9. She was walkin' to Thwaite village an' she met him. (翻译:她在去斯威特村的路上碰到了他。)

10. CONCLUSION: Acetaldehyde causes oxidative damage in cardiomyocytes through enhancing cellular ROS level, and induces cardiocytes apoptosis by activating ROS mediated JNK pathway. (翻译:结论:乙醛通过增高胞内ros水平损伤心肌细胞,激活ros介导JNK途径诱导细胞凋亡。)

11. The SSR are looking into Roxxon at this very moment. (翻译:战略科研署现在正在调查罗克森公司 The S. S. R.)

12. The object of her hatred was 24-year-old model Ros French. (翻译:她憎恨的对象是xx岁的模特罗斯·弗伦奇。)

13. In this review, we focus on JNK-mediated signaling pathways and the role of ROS in these pathways. (翻译:本文将主要总结JNK介导的信号转导途径及活性氧在这一途径中所发挥的作用。)

14. ♪ I just ordered 50 bottles of Ciroc, rose and Goose ♪ (翻译:# I just ordered 50 bottles of C? roc, Rosé and Goose #)

15. Or is your service not needed at the SSR? (翻译:Or is your service not needed at the S. S. R.)



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