例句:A Study of Function That Rot Funguses Have in the Decomposition of Organic Matter (腐生真菌在有机质分解过程中的作用研究进展)
Rotliegendes | 赤底层 |
1. The roof timbers were affected by rot and insect attack. (翻译:屋顶的木料已经腐朽并遭虫害。)
2. He was recording the soundscapes of our NDEs, trying to map out what it was that people call "the other side." (翻译:他记录了我们濒死时所经历的声音 他想根据声音来描绘出 人们所说的“另一边”)
3. Undigested protein begins to rot and putrefy in your tummy. (翻译:没有被消化的蛋白质会在你的胃里开始腐烂变质。)
4. Instead of spending a fortune hiding the rot why not rebuild? (翻译:你请说 与其花钱去修缮这些已经腐败的顽固 为什么不让我们都重新开始呢)
5. As our technology is becoming more advanced so it seems most likely that the incidence of NDEs will increase. (翻译:由于科技的进步,看起来,有“濒死体验”的病例会不断增加。)
6. "were now as silent as the dead buffalo left to rot in this valley ... (翻译:...现在却沉寂下来 此时死去的野牛在山谷中腐烂)
7. Another consideration is that ROTs may evolve over time. (翻译:另一方面的考虑是,ROT可能随着时间的推移而演变。)
8. My lord father taught me it was death to bare steel against your liege lord. (翻译:我父亲曾教导我必须以死刑惩戒... My Lord father taught me it was death to bare steel 敢对主君拔剑的封臣.)
9. So much rain ake the fruit rot. (翻译:这么多雨水会使水果腐烂。)
10. He's an artist, and if he says you've got the rot, you've got the rot, brah. (翻译:他是个艺术家,他说你家干腐了 你家就是干腐了,兄弟)
11. As for Standard Liege and AZ Alkmaar, they are young teams with plenty of talent that aren't afraid of us. (翻译:标准列日和阿尔克马尔都是年轻的球队,他们拥有许多有天赋的球员,他们并不害怕我们。)
12. But why pile things in the barn? They'll just rot. (翻译:现在不管我们说什么都是空话 只有这样韩国经济才能得到援助)
13. All right, Franz. Tell him I'll be right down. (翻译:Oh, Roslein Roslein rot)
14. Thus I cannot give you fealty nor own you as my liege. (翻译:你也无法得到我做为你的家臣 要怎样你才相信我是无辜?)
15. But eventually they rot, then they don't smell so good. (翻译:但是花谢以后呢,那味儿不也难闻 But eventually they wither, then do not smell so good.)