rubidium superoxide是什么意思 rubidium superoxide的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubidium superoxide是什么意思 rubidium superoxide的中文翻译、读音、例句

rubidium superoxide通常被翻译为"超氧化铷"的意思,作为名词时有"{二氧化铷}"的意思,读音为[rubidiumsuperoxide],rubidium superoxide是一个英语名词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到57个与rubidium superoxide相关的句子。

Rubidium superoxide的中文翻译


例句:and a spraying opening for spraying the superoxide radicals produced by the air current producer and hydrogen atoms to the head. (喷出口,将由该气流产生装置产生的超氧离子及氢原子喷出到头部。)


例句:OA05, another octopamine derivative, had prominent scavenging effect against superoxide anion radicals, which was worthy of further study. (另一章鱼胺衍生物oa05具有较高的超氧阴离子自由基清除能力,值得进一步关注和研究。)


rubidium superoxide一般作为名词使用,如在superoxide([化] 过氧化物\n[医] 过氧化物)、rubidium(铷 )、lead superoxide([化] 二氧化铅)等常见短语中出现较多。

superoxide[化] 过氧化物\n[医] 过氧化物
lead superoxide[化] 二氧化铅
manganese superoxide过氧化锰
nickel superoxide[化] 四氧化镍
oxygen superoxide[化] 氧的过氧化物
potassium superoxide超氧化钾
sodium superoxide[化] 过氧化钠\n[医] 过氧化钠
strontium superoxide[化] 过氧化锶


1. Dr Steinhauer and his colleagues created a condensate out of a gas of rubidium atoms held in a magnetic trap. (翻译:Steinhauer博士和同事从盛在磁圈里的铷原子气体中制出冷凝物。)

2. For one, superoxide is only one of several free radical species in the body. (翻译:其一,超氧化物只是人体中众多自由基中的一种。)

3. The Effect of Superoxide Radical on the ACC Synthase from Etiolated Mungbean Seedlings (翻译:超氧阴离子自由基对绿豆黄化幼苗ACC合酶的影响)

4. Schulten's latest proposed role for superoxide, an oxygen anion found in bird eyes, fits with their findings. (翻译:斯考尔滕最新的提议是过氧化物的作用,这是一种在鸟类眼球中找到的氧元素的阴离子,它正好与该组织的发现相吻合。)

5. By tweaking its genes, the scientists were able to "tune" the worms' natural defences - enzymes it produces to tackle superoxide. (翻译:通过改变其基因,科学家们能够“调节”蠕虫的自然防御系统-用产生的酶处理过氧化物。)

6. Velocity-distribution data confirming the discovery of a new phase of matter, the Bose-Einstein condensate, out of a gas of rubidium atoms. (翻译:速度发行数据证实在一个新阶段上问题,Bose爱因斯坦凝析油的发现,出于铷原子气体。)

7. Studies on Scavenging Effect of Alpinia Oxyphylla Extracts on Superoxide Anion Radical (翻译:益智提取物对超氧阴离子自由基清除作用研究)

8. Effects of sulfatide and postburn serum on superoxide anion production in isolated rat neutrophils (翻译:硫苷脂、烫伤血清对大鼠中性粒细胞产生超氧阴离子的影响)

9. As substrate is reintroduced neutrophil activity may heighten increasing production of damaging superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. (翻译:再次导入酶解物,嗜中性细胞活动增强,增加破坏性超氧游离基和羟基的生产。)

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