medi是什么意思 medi的中文翻译、读音、例句

medi是什么意思 medi的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词源及词义:medi可以来自于多种不同的词根,比如medieval(中世纪的)、media(传媒)、medical(医学的)等等,但总的来说,medi往往和中间、中间的人或物、中间阶段等等相关。


- I'm reading a book about medieval European history.(我在读一本关于中世纪欧洲历史的书。)

- The media has a lot of influence on public opinion.(传媒对公众舆论有很大的影响。)

- The hospital has many medical students doing their training there.(这家医院有很多医学生在这里实习。)

2. 缩写词:medi也可以是一些缩写词的一部分,比如medial(医学、生物学中的中央的、中心的)或者meditation(冥想)。


- The medial side of the knee can be injured during sports.(膝盖的中央部位在运动中容易受伤。)

- She practices daily meditation to reduce stress.(她每天练习冥想来减轻压力。)

3. 衍生词:还有一些和medi有关的衍生词,比如meditate(冥想)、mediator(调停者、仲裁人)、median(中位数、中央的)等等。


- She meditates for 20 minutes every morning.(她每天早上冥想20分钟。)

- The mediator helped the two parties reach a compromise.(仲裁人帮助两个团队达成了妥协。)

- The median age of the group was 35.(这个群体的中位年龄是xx岁。)



1. She works as a mediator to help people resolve conflicts.(她作为仲裁人,帮助人们解决冲突。)

2. The median household income in the city is quite high.(这个城市的家庭收入中位数非常高。)

3. I'm planning to meditate before bed to calm my mind.(我打算睡前冥想一下,让心情平静下来。)

4. The media has the power to shape public opinion.(传媒有塑造公众舆论的能力。)

5. The medical exam lasted for several hours.(这次医学考试持续了几个小时。)


1. 缩写:Medi可能指Medical,即医疗领域的缩写。

2. 单词:Medi是一个拉丁词,意为“中间”或“中央”。




1. He works in medi-tech company. (他在医疗技术公司工作。)

2. The medi line on the diagram marks the center of the room. (图表上的中央线标记了房间的中央。)




例句:Your MEDI- CAL eligibility and benefits are not changed by notice. (您的就医资格和医疗津贴不会因通知而有所改变。)


例句:Homeland just took the suspect to the medi-ship. (国安局刚把嫌疑人带去了急救直升机 Homeland just took the suspect to the medi)


例句:Earlier stage, MedImmune Inc. has MEDI-545, a monoclonal antibody directed against interferon-alpha subtypes, in Phase I trials. (一期临床试验的早期,医学免疫中心应用MEDI-545,这是一种直接对抗IF-a亚型的单克隆抗体。)


例句:In the early medi period the first day of Lent became a day for distributing ashes to Christians as a sign of mortality and penance. (翻译:中世纪初期,大斋节的第一天是向基督徒分发炉灰,这是一种死亡和忏悔的记号。)


1. Earlier stage, MedImmune Inc. has MEDI-545, a monoclonal antibody directed against interferon-alpha subtypes, in Phase I trials. (翻译:一期临床试验的早期,医学免疫中心应用MEDI-545,这是一种直接对抗IF-a亚型的单克隆抗体。)

2. In the early medi period the first day of Lent became a day for distributing ashes to Christians as a sign of mortality and penance. (翻译:中世纪初期,大斋节的第一天是向基督徒分发炉灰,这是一种死亡和忏悔的记号。)

3. Pranav Mistry: So, there are lots of companies, sponsor companies of Media Lab interested in taking this ahead in one or another way. (翻译:Pranav Mistry: 很多公司 -- 就是 Medi L b的赞助者 -- 有兴趣以其它方法继续研究 像行动通讯公司 )

4. Pranav Mistry: So, there are lots of companies -- actually sponsor companies of Media Lab -- interested in taking this ahead in one or another way. (翻译:Pranav Mistry: 很多公司 -- 就是 Medi L b的赞助者 -- 有兴趣以其它方法继续研究)

5. It's about this little device called a medi-meter. (翻译:这个故事关于一个叫做“中介测量器”的小设备 )

6. It's about this little device called a medi-meter. (翻译:这个故事关于一个叫做“中介测量器”的小设备)

7. I would donate it to the medi ca l research because I wan t to do something to help others. (翻译:我会捐给医药研究,因为我要为他人做点事。)

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