hygge是什么意思 hygge的中文翻译、读音、例句

hygge是什么意思 hygge的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Hygge是一个丹麦词汇,意思是舒适、温暖和幸福感。它是一种文化现象,通常用来形容家庭氛围、人际关系、食物和饮料。

2. 词性:Hygge是一个名词,但也可以用作形容词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有“hygge home”、“hygge feeling”、“hygge lifestyle”等。

4. 短语:常见的短语有“hygge moments”(舒适的时刻)和“hygge candles”(温馨的蜡烛)。

5. 发音拼写:Hygge的发音为“hoo-ga”。


1. I love creating a hygge atmosphere in my home with soft lighting and comfortable furniture.(我喜欢通过柔和的灯光和舒适的家具在家里创造出hygge氛围。)

2. This hygge sweater is so warm and cozy, I never want to take it off.(这件hygge毛衣非常温暖舒适,我永远不想脱下它。)

3. For me, hygge is all about spending quality time with my loved ones, sipping hot chocolate and telling stories.(对我来说,hygge就是与我所爱的人花费高品质的时间,品尝热巧克力和分享故事。)

4. I always feel a sense of hygge in this coffee shop with its cozy seating and warm beverages.(这家咖啡店的舒适座椅和温暖饮料总是给我一种hygge感。)

5. This book has some great tips on how to live a more hygge lifestyle and find happiness in the simple things.(这本书提供了一些非常好的建议,帮助你过上更hygge的生活方式,从简单的事物中寻找幸福。)

中文翻译:丹麦的舒适与温馨感;读音:[hjuːɡə];例句:在冬季,我喜欢在家里点上蜡烛、泡上一杯热茶,享受一下hygge的感觉。Translation: In winter, I like to light candles and make a cup of hot tea at home, enjoying the feeling of hygge.




例句:It's one often connected to the idea that the Danes are the happiest people in the world, and that it's 'hygge' that provides the secret to their success. (它经常让人联想到世界上最幸福的是丹麦人,而丹麦幸福的秘诀就是hygge。)


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