1. 词性和含义:'die in your arms'是一个动词短语,表示在某人的怀中死去。该词组通常用于形容深刻的感情或热烈的爱。
2. 用法:'die in your arms'通常用于描述浪漫时刻或者悲伤的场景,比如爱情片中的高潮部分,或者在痛苦的时候安慰某人。这个短语也可以引申为在某人的庇护下放心地离开。
3. 文化和历史:'die in your arms'这个短语可以追溯到古代文学作品中。因为人们在古代常常面对生死,因此在文学中表达相关的情感和意义变得更加流行。
1. She clung to him tightly as he died in her arms. 她紧紧地抱住他,在他的怀里他死去了。
2. He whispered to her as he took his last breath, "I wouldn't have wanted to die in anyone else's arms." 当他最后一口气喘完时,他对她耳语道:“我不想死在其他任何人的怀里。”
3. The romantic scene in the movie ended with the woman dying in her lover's arms. 电影中浪漫的一幕以女子死在她恋人的怀中结束。
4. When she heard the devastating news, she collapsed and cried in her husband's arms. 当她听到破坏性的新闻时,她倒在她丈夫的怀里哭泣。
5. The soldier knew that he was dying, but he was comforted by the thought that he would die in his homeland's arms. 士兵知道他快要死了,但是他被这样一个想法安慰着:他会死在他祖国的怀里。
die in your arms 的中文翻译为“死在你的怀抱里”,读音为/dai in jor armz/。
1. She wished to die in his arms, but she knew she couldn't burden him with the pain of her death.
2. The romance novel was about a woman who chooses to die in her lover's arms rather than be separated from him.
3. The dying soldier whispered his last words to his comrade, who held him as he passed away in his arms.