hap是什么意思 hap的中文翻译、读音、例句

hap是什么意思 hap的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义: hap是一个动词,表示偶然发生、巧合发生的意思。也可以作为名词,表示运气、幸运、机会。

2. 词性:动词、名词。

3. 词组搭配:

(1)by hap:意为“偶然、意外地”。

(2)chance and hap:意为“机会和运气”。


4. 短语:

(1)have the hap:意为“拥有幸运、享受运气”。

(2)hap on:意为“偶然发现、碰巧遇到”。

5. 发音拼写:hap [hæp]

6. 中英例句:

(1)By hap, I met an old friend on the street yesterday.


(2)He was lucky to have the hap to win the lottery.


(3)Hap on some important documents while cleaning up the house.


(4)He greeted me hap'ly when we met at the airport.


(5)I believe it's just a matter of hap that we were able to finish the project on time.




1. Elämän tarkoitus on löytää oma HAP. (芬兰语) - 生命的目的就是找到自己的幸福。

2. HAP ei tarkoita vain rahaa, vaan myös ystävyyttä ja rakkautta. (芬兰语) - 幸福不仅仅是指金钱,也包含友谊与爱情。

3. HAP on tunne, jota on vaikea kuvailla sanoin. (芬兰语) - 幸福是一种难以用语言描述的感觉。

4. HAP on yhteisöllinen asia, joka voi levitä ympäri maailmaa. (芬兰语) - 幸福是一种共同的事情,可以在全世界范围内传播。

5. On tärkeää viettää aikaa ihmisten kanssa, jotka tuovat meille HAP: ia. (芬兰语) - 和那些给我们带来幸福的人一起度过时间是很重要的。

6. HAP:ia löytyy yksinkertaisista asioista, kuten hyvästä ruoasta ja kauniista maisemista. (芬兰语) - 幸福可以从简单的事物中发现,比如美食和美丽的景色。

7. On tärkeää löytää oma tapa saavuttaa HAP, eikä vertailla itseään muihin. (芬兰语) - 重要的是找到自己实现幸福的方式,而不是与别人比较。

8. HAP ei ole pysyvä tila, vaan jotain, jota on tavoiteltava ja ylläpidettävä. (芬兰语) - 幸福并不是永久状态,而是需要追求和维护的东西。

9. Jos haluat löytää todellisen HAP: in, sinun on löydettävä tasapaino elämässäsi. (芬兰语) - 如果你想找到真正的幸福,就需要在生活中找到平衡。

hap 的中文翻译为“幸福、快乐”的意思。读音为/hæp/。


1. She felt a sudden surge of hap when she saw her long-lost friend.


2. What more can one ask than a life filled with hap and joy?

人生充满了幸福和快乐,还能要求什么呢3. The birth of their first child brought great hap to the couple.





例句:- What are you two fools- oh,no,this is not hap--alex! (- 你们两个蠢货 给我收手 - Alex)


例句:Waterless reduces the VOC, HAP, etc of volatile gases, so is of great importance to environmental protection. (无火胶印技艺裁减了VOC、HAP等无益气体的挥发,因此不对境况爱护事理轻微。)


例句:How did it feel when you found out it was hap? Guilt? Relief? (笵甮い琌炊琌ぐ或稰谋 ず秆叉)


例句:Using fish wastes as raw materials, the hydrolyzed animal protein(HAP)powder was produced by enzymatic hydrolysis and acidic hydrolysis. (翻译:以鱼类下脚料为原料,经生物酶解、酸解制备了风味水解蛋白粉。)


hap一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in hap(偶然;碰巧)、on hap(偶然;碰巧)、Hap'o([地名] 下浦 ( 朝 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

in hap偶然;碰巧
on hap偶然;碰巧
Hap'o[地名] 下浦 ( 朝 )
hap'orthn. = halfpenny worth[亦作ha'p'orth]
La Hap[地名] 拉哈 ( 老 )
through hap偶然;碰巧
first hand hap[机] 初绞螺丝攻


1. How did it feel when you found out it was hap? Guilt? Relief? (翻译:笵甮い琌炊琌ぐ或稰谋 ず秆叉)

2. Using fish wastes as raw materials, the hydrolyzed animal protein(HAP)powder was produced by enzymatic hydrolysis and acidic hydrolysis. (翻译:以鱼类下脚料为原料,经生物酶解、酸解制备了风味水解蛋白粉。)

3. Results HAP1 was selectively distributed in the endocrine cells of pancreatic islets. (翻译:结果HAP1在大鼠胰腺内选择性表达于胰岛内分泌细胞中。)

4. I'm hap... I'm happy for you, you know. And, uh, plus, I'm seeing somebody else, so... (翻译:我很为你高兴 还有 我也在约会 所以...)

5. The bone of vertebrate is a composite consociated of collagen and hydroxyapatite (HAP). (翻译:脊椎动物的骨骼是由有机的胶原蛋白和无机的羟基磷灰石复合而成。)

6. The results indicate that the silk fibroin films can regulate effectively the deposition and growth of HAP crystals. (翻译:结果表明,丝素膜可有效地诱导羟基磷灰石晶体在其表面沉积和生长;)

7. It's over. I'm gonna tell them everything. Tell them about hap, about you, about everything. (翻译:赣挡и穦弧痷 弧炊┮Τㄆ)

8. Hap's interrogation of me made it clear we had to find out what his experiment was. (翻译:亨珀的盘问让我更清楚 我们必须查出他在做什么实验)

9. No, I couldn't see, hap. I couldn't see in the fog. Here. (翻译:и笵иぃ睲贰 铭柑иぐ或ぃǎ)

10. Hap gone, you're free and clear. Why mess with that? (翻译:炊碞陈沸 ê妓Τぐ或ぃ)

11. If you have hitherto concealed this sight, and whatsoever else shall hap tonight, give it an understanding but no tongue. (翻译:我求你们 要是至今还没有把这这件事情外传 那么无论今天晚上再出什么事 你们心中有数可嘴上别说)

12. We're going to check out this after-Hours club Jimmy told hap about. (翻译:我们要去吉米跟哈普说的那家 下午俱乐部看看)

13. Yeah, I heard about that. How come you didn't know that, hap? (翻译:没错,我听说过 你怎么就没想到呢,哈普?)

14. Adam shrugged off our questions; he would not tell us what had hap penned. (翻译:亚当回避我们的问题,不愿告诉我们发生了什么事。)

15. The HAP induced by the film with —NH2 head groups is the nano-platelet crystal with regular orientation and order array. (翻译:功能团为—NH2的有机膜所诱导的晶体为定向生长且规则排列的纳米片状HAP晶体; )



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