patient是什么意思 patient的中文翻译、读音、例句

patient是什么意思 patient的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 含义和用法:'patient'这个单词是指一个接受医疗保健或治疗的人。这个词既可以作为名词使用,也可以作为形容词使用。作为名词时,它表示一个需要接受医疗保健或治疗的人。作为形容词时,它表示一个有耐心的,能够忍受困难或痛苦的人。

2. 同义词和反义词:'patient'的同义词包括'sufferer'、'invalid'和'client'等。'patient'的反义词则包括'impatient'和'intolerant'等。

3. 搭配和应用:'patient'可以与许多词汇搭配使用,如'patience'、'patience is a virtue'、'be patient with someone'等。'patient'在医疗领域和日常生活中都有广泛的应用。


1. The patient was diagnosed with a serious condition and needs immediate treatment.(医生给这位病人确诊了一种严重的病症,需要马上治疗。)

2. She is a very patient person and can handle difficult situations calmly.(她是一个非常有耐心的人,能够镇定地处理困难情况。)

3. The doctor was very patient with the child and explained everything in detail.(医生对这个孩子非常耐心,详细解释了每一件事情。)

4. The patient's family was worried about their loved one's health and hoped for a speedy recovery.(病人的家人担心自己的亲人的健康,希望他能尽快恢复。)

5. The nurse was constantly monitoring the patient's vital signs to ensure their condition was stable.(护士一直监测这位病人的生命体征,以确保他的病情稳定。)



1. The patient is breathing heavily.(病人呼吸急促。)

2. The nurse is checking the patient's vital signs.(护士正在检查病人的生命体征。)

3. The doctor prescribed some medication for the patient.(医生为病人开了一些药。)

4. The patient is in critical condition and needs immediate attention.(病人病情危急,需要立即治疗。)

5. The patient is allergic to penicillin.(病人对青霉素过敏。)

6. The patient's family is waiting anxiously in the waiting room.(病人的家人在候诊室焦急等待。)

7. The patient is scheduled for surgery next week.(病人下周安排进行手术。)

8. The nurse is taking the patient's temperature with a thermometer.(护士正在给病人用温度计测量体温。)

9. The doctor is discussing treatment options with the patient.(医生正在跟病人讨论治疗选项。)


读音:pēi shěnt


1. The patient is recovering well after the surgery.(这个病人手术后康复良好。)

2. The doctor prescribed some medication for the patient's condition.(医生为这个病人的病情开了一些药。)

3. The hospital has many patients waiting to see a doctor.(这家医院有许多等待看病的病人。)




例句:Claimed he was a cancer patient. (声称他是个癌症晚期病人 {\3cH202020}Claimed he was a terminal cancer patient.)




例句:Patient density has always been... (病人的密度一直是... Patient density has always been...)


例句:No, the patient is no code. (翻译:我来了,我来了 不,不,病人是放弃急救者)


patient一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在in patient([医]住院病人)、patient of(能忍受的, 容许...意义的)、patient with(v. 对…有耐心\n[网络] 对…耐心;对…耐心的;对……有耐心)等常见短语中出现较多。

in patient[医]住院病人
patient of能忍受的, 容许...意义的
patient withv. 对…有耐心\n[网络] 对…耐心;对…耐心的;对……有耐心
duplicate patient复制病患
gerontal patient老年病人
heartsink patient[网络] 心脏病人
index patient[医]索引患者
litter patient[医]担架伤员
medical patient内科病人


1. Patient density has always been... (翻译:病人的密度一直是... Patient density has always been...)

2. No, the patient is no code. (翻译:我来了,我来了 不,不,病人是放弃急救者)

3. Tell Edwards to take the patient off of his rounds. (翻译:告诉Edwards不用治疗这个病人了 Tell Edwards to take the patient off of his rounds.)

4. The incident with your former patient (翻译:之前你那位病人约瑟夫·布里格斯 The incident with your former patient)

5. Next to the gurney while they were triaging the patient. (翻译:于是把箱子放在推床旁边的地上 next to the gurney while they were triaging the patient.)

6. It is the patient that must find solace in the bed, never the doctor. (翻译:病人才必须在床上寻求慰藉 医生不会 It is the patient that must find solace in the bed, never the doctor.)

7. Now, the patient controls ulysses herself. (翻译:现在 病人亲自控制尤利西斯 Now, the patient controls Ulysses herself.)

8. Thanks for being patient with us. (翻译:Thanks for being patient with us.)

9. - This man is a patient here. (翻译:-他是这里的病人 -别听她的 她疯了 - This man is a patient here.)

10. I have a-a patient waiting, but I-I'll check in on you later. (翻译:还有个病人在等我 I have a -a patient waiting, 不过我等会来看你 but I)

11. For an agonized, incurably suffering patient. (翻译:incurably suffering patient.)

12. A happy patient is a healthy patient." (翻译:一个乐观的病人 就是一个健康的病人。” )

13. Doctor-patient confidentiality works both ways. (翻译:医患双方均应遵守保密协议 {\3cH000000}Doctor -patient confidentiality works both ways.)

14. Your patient was murdered. (翻译:你的病人被谋杀了 Your patient was murdered.)

15. How patient? Like, if you had (翻译:要多耐心 有期限吗 How patient?)



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