meddo是什么意思 meddo的中文翻译、读音、例句

meddo是什么意思 meddo的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:MIT's on cruise control for you, you've already gotten into Harvard Med. (麻省理工不会管你那么多 而且你都被哈佛医学院录取了)


例句:I could use a functioning med bay, but otherwise we are secure down here. (这边有个医疗舱还能用 大部分人身体状况良好)


例句:Peter Jackson, actually, he tu med out a draft of "Elm Street 6." (他们写了一个剧本 皮特杰克森,实际上是他完成了 榆树街6的草稿)


meddo一般作为名词使用,如在Meddo([地名] 梅多 ( 荷 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Meddo[地名] 梅多 ( 荷 )


1. Peter Jackson, actually, he tu med out a draft of "Elm Street 6." (翻译:他们写了一个剧本 皮特杰克森,实际上是他完成了 榆树街6的草稿)

2. YOUKNOW,WHENYOULEFTFOR MED SCHOOL, THINGS JUST KIND OF -- (翻译:... 你知道,当你离开 医学院,事情只是一种 的 -)

3. However, since 1970, fishing in the Med has increased by almost 50%. (翻译:如果停下来 它们就会窒息死 看看这蓝条纹)

4. All I came here to say is I go to Columbia, pre-Med. (翻译:...我专程来是说 我要去哥伦比亚大学 读医学预科)

5. The university was a wash, but the med center may just pay off. (翻译:厩ê娩礚┮莉 琌洛励いみт絬)

6. Now, this-This is Club Med compared to what we have planned for you. (翻译:这些 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}This -- 与我们给你准备的大刑相比 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}This is club med compared to)

7. Cool. How do they do that? (翻译:How do they do that?)

8. We've heard of Club Med and other vacation clubs. (翻译:我们听说过 Club Med 和其他度假俱乐部。)

9. It just annoys me that the one thing that is stopping me from going to Harvard Med is money. (翻译:但让我不爽的是惟一阻止我去哈佛医学院 的原因竟然是钱)

10. So Spanish became part of the pre-pre-med curriculum. (翻译:因此西班牙语 成了一门医学预预科的课程。)

11. Dr Bernards thinks that in MED12 he has discovered a pathway crucial for the development of drug resistance. (翻译:伯纳兹博士认为,通过MED12基因他找出了一个对于细胞产生抗药性十分关键的路径。)

12. He soon found himself working with another crook, Achk Med-Beq. (翻译:很快,他发现自己可以跟另一个盗贼阿奇克·梅德—贝克合伙干。)

13. Dr. Sims and Dr. Divatni, please report to Med. Unit 1. (翻译:西门斯医生、诺瓦提医生 请到一号医护站报到)

14. Den kunne talle med poten og danse som en ballerina. (翻译:你说几,它就能爪子敲出来 能像芭蕾舞演员一样转圈)

15. Well, this isn't Club Med, so I doubt you're here for a tan. (翻译:那么,这是不是Club Med的,所以我 怀疑你在这里为棕褐色。)

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