考虑到“involve in”是一个词组,我会在以下五个方面分别进行解释:
1. 定义
“involve in” 是一个动词短语,意为“参与、牵涉到、涉及到”。通常用来描述一个人或一个组织与某个事件、活动或事情的紧密联系。
2. 用法
“involve in”通常用于被动语态,例如“The company was involved in a scandal last year.”也可用于主动语态,例如“John involves himself in many extracurricular activities at school.”
3. 同义词
与“involve in”意思类似的短语包括“engage in”、“participate in”、“take part in”等。
4. 用法注意事项
一些动词后不能直接接“involve”,例如“do”,因此需要用其他形式的表达,例如“be involved in” 。此外,“involve”的被动语态经常和“be”一起使用,“be involved in”。
5. 实际应用
“involve in”可用于描述不同类型的事情,以下是几个例子:
- 他们的公司涉足了在线教育领域。
Their company got involved in the online education field.
- 我们需要让更多的学生参与到志愿活动中来。
We need to involve more students in volunteer activities.
- 他们为了保护环境,积极参与了社区清理活动。
They actively involved themselves in community clean-up activities to protect the environment.
- 这次会议将涉及到公司未来的决策。
This meeting will involve discussions about the company's future decisions.
- 在这个案件中,数百名雇员都被牵涉到了其中。
In this case, hundreds of employees were involved in it.
involve in的意思是参与,涉及,卷入。
读音:[ɪnˈvɒlv ɪn]
1. He refused to involve himself in their argument. (他拒绝卷入他们的争吵。)
2. The new project will involve a lot of research. (新项目将涉及大量的研究。)
3. She got involved in the charity work and started volunteering. (她参与了慈善工作,开始做志愿者。)
4. The company is planning to involve more employees in decision-making. (公司计划让更多的员工参与决策。)
involve in在英语中代表"陷入、婵媛"的意思,作为名词时有"牵扯到"的意思,在线读音是[inˈvɔlv in],involve in是一个英语名词,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到56个与involve in相关的例句。
Involve in的中文翻译
例句:True engineering would involve more radical redesigns. (而真正的基因工程应当包括更多更彻底的全新设计。)
例句:The interests of Britain nearly always involve doing deals with people they think are baddies. (问题是为了国家利益 The interests of Britain nearly always involve doing 总得和人们认为的坏人做交易 deals with people they think are baddies.)
例句:Most political questions involve morality in some form or other. (多数政治问题牵涉到这样或那样的道义性。)
例句:This war does not, for the moment, involve men and arms, it involves information. (翻译:这场战争 迄今为止 还是一场没有硝烟的战争 This war does not, for the moment, involve men -at -arms.)
involve in一般作为名词使用,如在involve(卷入 )、involve with(与(某人)有密切关系)、to involve([网络] 涉及;牵扯;涉及到)等常见短语中出现较多。
involve | 卷入 |
involve with | 与(某人)有密切关系 |
to involve | [网络] 涉及;牵扯;涉及到 |
involve oneself in | 卷入\n参与 |
involve yourself | [网络] 让自己忙起来 |
self involve | [网络] 自我涉入 |
1. Most political questions involve morality in some form or other. (翻译:多数政治问题牵涉到这样或那样的道义性。)
2. This war does not, for the moment, involve men and arms, it involves information. (翻译:这场战争 迄今为止 还是一场没有硝烟的战争 This war does not, for the moment, involve men -at -arms.)
3. Major Briggs, exactly what does your work involve? (翻译:布里格斯少校 严格来说,你的工作 到底涉及到哪方面?)
4. Something that doesn't involve, you know, punching anything. (翻译:一些能让我别牵扯进去的法子 跟那些犯罪没什么瓜葛)
5. No other Treasury personnel involve. (翻译:不能有财务部其他任务人参与进来 No other Treasury personnel involve.)
6. He survived nearly a decade in prison. (翻译:他渡过了近xx年的牢狱时光 He survived nearly a decade in prison. 这两者都涉及到了 Both of which involve)
7. Did her work involve contact with livestock in any way? (翻译:她的工作会涉及到以任何方式与牲畜接触吗?)
8. Or it might, what, involve State PD? (翻译:也可能跟州警有某种关系? Or it might, what, involve State PD?)
9. Involve and empower employees - empower the team in the gemba. (翻译:关注员工并给予一定的权力——授权给在现场的团队。)
10. Most time dependencies involve a player gating mechanism. (翻译:大多数的时间限制涉及到一个玩家闸门机制。)
11. You know my wish is never to involve you, to keep you separate. (翻译:你知道我不希望你卷进来 You know my wish is never to involve you, 不让你趟浑水 to keep you separate.)
12. -I don't think we need to involve the queen in this. (翻译:我想不必 拿这件事情让皇后烦心 她最近已经够忙的了)
13. Does that plan involve letting her out? (翻译:那要放她出来吗 Does that plan involve letting her out?)
14. I want a lawyer. Never involve lawyers. (翻译:Gibbs的规矩第13条 永远不要牵扯律师)
15. I never wanted to involve you in this. (翻译:我从没想过要把你卷进来的 {\3cH202020}I never wanted to involve you in this.)