1. 定义:'cmcc wlan'是指中国移动通信集团公司(China Mobile Communications Corporation)的无线局域网(Wireless Local Area Network)服务,为用户提供无线上网的服务。
2. 功能:'cmcc wlan'具有方便快捷、高速稳定、覆盖面广、安全可靠等特点。
3. 应用范围:'cmcc wlan'适用于各种场景,例如公共场所、商业区、住宅区、校园等,为用户提供无线上网服务。
1. 在机场,我通过'cmcc wlan'成功连接上了网络,顺畅地完成了网上值机。
At the airport, I connected to the internet through 'cmcc wlan' and smoothly checked in online.
2. 学生们可以通过'cmcc wlan'在校园内上网,方便了学习和社交。
Students can access the internet through 'cmcc wlan' on campus, which facilitates their learning and socializing.
3. 住在小区里的居民都能通过'cmcc wlan'免费上网,大大提高了生活质量。
Residents in the community can access free internet through 'cmcc wlan', greatly improving their quality of life.
4. 商业区的咖啡店、书店等经常提供'cmcc wlan'服务,为顾客提供更好的消费体验。
Coffee shops, bookstores and other businesses often offer 'cmcc wlan' services, providing customers with a better consumption experience.
5. 在旅游区,'cmcc wlan'为游客提供了便捷的上网服务,让游客能够更好地了解景点信息。
In tourist areas, 'cmcc wlan' provides convenient internet access for tourists, enabling them to better understand information about attractions.
读音:C-M-C-C w-l-a-n
例句:我们可以连接到公司的无线网络,它的名称是cmcc wlan。 (We can connect to the company's wireless network, which is named cmcc wlan.)