ignite是什么意思 ignite的中文翻译、读音、例句

ignite是什么意思 ignite的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词语含义:Ignite是一个动词,意为“点燃”、“引爆”、“激起”等。在科技领域,Ignite也可以指代微软公司的一个开发工具箱。

2. 词源及拼写:Ignite源于拉丁语“ignitus”,是“ignis”(火)的过去分词形式。拼写为i-g-n-i-t-e。

3. 同义词:Spark, kindle, light, fire up, trigger等。

4. 用途:Ignite常用于描述火的行为,并可引申为激发情感、激烈行动等。在科技领域,Ignite则用于以前端技术为基础的网站开发、应用程序设计等。


1. 把火柴点燃,让它燃起来。

Light the match and ignite it.

2. 这个政治言论点燃了整个城市。

The political speech ignited the entire city.

3. 一支烟可以点燃火药桶。

A cigarette can ignite a powder keg.

4. 谁能点燃我心中的火焰?

Who can ignite the flame in my heart?

5. 他用Ignite工具箱进行了一次成功的应用程序开发。

He built a successful application using the Ignite toolkit.




1. The match will ignite the fire.(这根火柴会点燃火)

2. His speech ignited the passions of the audience.(他的演讲激起了观众的激情)




例句:Trailblazer: Ignite 10 enemies that have recently used a teleporter. (拓荒者:点燃十个最近使用传送的敌人。)


例句:If Sir Doi decides to, the coals we once cooled... will ignite into a blaze burning down our clan! (如果土井大人已经下达命令 那么我们一个不小心... ...就会酿成大错,导致松平氏族的毁灭)


例句:Wow, I'm getting word that flames actually ignite from the dress. (珃 и禫ㄓ禫 碍 龟悔翴绉 眖帝杆 碍)


例句:You're the ones that have to go back to the office or talk to your friends and ignite the fire of change in the play revolution. (翻译:你们要回到办公室 或告诉你们的朋友 为玩耍的革命点燃星星之火)


ignite一般作为动词使用,如在ignite ability(点火性,可燃性)、self-ignite(自动点火 )等常见短语中出现较多。

ignite ability点火性,可燃性


1. Wow, I'm getting word that flames actually ignite from the dress. (翻译:珃 и禫ㄓ禫 碍 龟悔翴绉 眖帝杆 碍)

2. You're the ones that have to go back to the office or talk to your friends and ignite the fire of change in the play revolution. (翻译:你们要回到办公室 或告诉你们的朋友 为玩耍的革命点燃星星之火)

3. I flip off the wire harness, ignite myjet pack, and then toss balloons to the children of the world. (翻译:我翻阅了线束,包点燃myjet, 再折腾气球的孩子们的世界。)

4. Anything we use to blow the door could ignite a fire inside. (翻译:任何强行突入的方法 都有可能引起里面发生火灾)

5. Self accolades for twins or counterparts to ignite the divine flame within. (翻译:真我会荣曜双生光或神圣同行,去点燃神圣的内在火焰。)

6. The two gaze into each others eyes and cause a happenstance of a union divine to ignite in a heart accolade of self. (翻译:他们俩凝视对方的眼睛,又创造了一个神圣联盟的偶发事件,点燃内心真我的荣曜。)

7. Kerosene lanterns, torches, candles, and matches may tip over or ignite flammables inside. (翻译:煤油灯,火把,蜡烛,火柴等,很容易翻倒或者自燃引起火灾。)

8. Then, when you meet the President and shake his hand, live on television, you will ignite the device. (翻译:然后,你在现场转播中... 与总统见面,跟他握手 你把装置引爆)

9. And it does so at a high enough temperature to ignite the solid fuel. (翻译:在足以点燃固体燃料的高温中,HTP就是这样反应的。)

10. It wouldn't take much for their resentment to ignite into revolt. (翻译:让他们把怒火转化为起义行动 只需要一点火星)

11. Everywhere, a kind of magic is ready to ignite your souls and send you on a journey that will astound you. (翻译:在每处,一个神奇的魔法准备点燃你的灵魂,给予你一个惊讶不已的旅程。)

12. Paper, cardboard, cloth, heating oil, gasoline-- everything would ignite. (翻译:纸张 硬纸板 衣服 燃油 汽油 所有东西都会被点燃)

13. Or, if you want to spare it, I'll build a town out of wood and let you ignite it. (翻译:又或者,你想留下它的话 我可以建一座木造的城市,然后你来烧掉它)

14. It has an automatic rotisserie, and when the lid is closed, the oxygen's reduced to a level that does not support or encourage the fats to ignite. (翻译:还有全自动旋转烤肉架 盖子盖上时 内部的氧气浓度会降低 到油脂无法起火的程度)

15. And yet there were many incidents like the one at the Black Cat that failed to ignite widespread anger and protest. (翻译:不过,还是有许多类似“黑猫”酒吧里的那种事件,它们没能引发大范围的愤怒与抗议。)



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