"yinluan" 不是一个合法的中文或英文单词,也不存在词义、词性、词组搭配、短语、发音拼写等方面的解释。如果您能够提供更多上下文或信息,我可以帮助您更好地理解该词语或短语的意思。
yinluan的中文翻译为“淫乱”,读音为yín luàn。
1. 这个城市的夜生活太yinluan了,很难找到一个安静的角落。
2. 一些人认为国外的文化比国内的更加yinluan,但这只是片面的看法。
The Chinese translation of "yinluan" is "淫乱", with the pronunciation of "yín luàn".
Example sentences:
1. The nightlife in this city is too yinluan, and it's hard to find a quiet corner.
2. Some people think that the culture abroad is more yinluan than that in the country, but this is just a one-sided view.