1. Mr Big的含义及来源:
'Mr Big'是一个英语俚语,可以解释为“大人物”,通常用来形容一个权力高、地位显赫的人物。该词源于美国黑帮文化,常用于描述黑帮老大或犯罪组织的领导人。
- The CEO of the company is a real Mr Big in the industry.
- The police finally arrested the notorious Mr Big of the drug cartel.
- It's always a challenge to negotiate with the Mr Big of the union.
2. Mr Big的用法及语境:
'Mr Big'通常出现在口语中,尤其是在非正式的场合,比如聚会、娱乐节目、小说、电影等。它有时也被用来形容某个领域或行业中的顶尖人物。
- The fashion industry is always looking for the next Mr Big.
- The show's host invited a surprise guest, a real Mr Big in the music industry.
- The restaurant's head chef is a Mr Big in the culinary world.
3. Mr Big的负面含义:
'Mr Big'有时也可以有负面含义,表示某个人过于自大、傲慢或狂妄,或者是一个骗子、恶棍或不良分子。
- He acted like a Mr Big and thought he could get away with anything.
- The con artist pretended to be a Mr Big in the investment world.
- The local Mr Big was known for his underhanded tactics and ruthless behavior.
'Mr Big'是一个口语俚语,通常用来形容权力高、地位显赫或某个领域的顶尖人物,来源于美国黑帮文化。它有时也可以有贬义含义,表示某个人过于自大、傲慢或者是一个骗子、恶棍。
- The CEO of the company is a real Mr Big in the industry.
- The police finally arrested the notorious Mr Big of the drug cartel.
- It's always a challenge to negotiate with the Mr Big of the union.
- The fashion industry is always looking for the next Mr Big.
- The show's host invited a surprise guest, a real Mr Big in the music industry.
- The restaurant's head chef is a Mr Big in the culinary world.
- He acted like a Mr Big and thought he could get away with anything.
- The con artist pretended to be a Mr Big in the investment world.
- The local Mr Big was known for his underhanded tactics and ruthless behavior.
Mr. Big通常用来形容在某个领域里有极大影响力或权威性的人物,也可以指某个组织中最重要的人物。
读音:[mɪstər bɪɡ]
1. He's the Mr. Big of the fashion industry.
2. The CEO is the Mr. Big of the company.
3. He thinks he's a Mr. Big, but really he's just a small fish in a big pond.
mr big的意思是"要人、大人物合唱团",还经常被翻译为大先生,在线发音:[mrbig],mr big常被用作名词,在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到86个与mr big相关的例句。
Mr Big的中文翻译
例句:- Protractor, the big wooden one. (- Protractor, the big wooden one.)
例句:John's wife, shementioned somebigdo you'reall off totomorrowevening. (She mentioned some big do)
例句:Big ideas are all you love. (Louis and his big ideas. 你就喜欢假大空的想法 Big ideas are all you love.)
例句:She and the other lady, they left in a big hurry. (翻译:they left in a big hurry.)
mr big一般作为名词使用,如在Mr Big([网络] 大先生;大先生乐队;大人物合唱团)、mr. big(大人物;大人物乐队)、Mr.Big([口语]大人物,要人)等常见短语中出现较多。
Mr Big | [网络] 大先生;大先生乐队;大人物合唱团 |
mr. big | 大人物;大人物乐队 |
Mr.Big | [口语]大人物,要人 |
big | 大的 |
no big | [网络] 嗯呵 |
the big | [网络] 大;大牌;三巨头 |
big on | 比贡;妃宫 |
Hr Mr | [网络] 高分辨率磁共振成像 |
MR adhesive | 耐水粘合剂 |
Mr and Mrs | [网络] 先生和夫人 |
1. Big ideas are all you love. (翻译:Louis and his big ideas. 你就喜欢假大空的想法 Big ideas are all you love.)
2. She and the other lady, they left in a big hurry. (翻译:they left in a big hurry.)
3. It's a big wilderness out there, Mr. Wade, but this is a big operation. (翻译:森林是巨大的,SR。韦德。但是这是一个很大的操作机构?)
4. Not this big Jew brain, baby. (翻译:Not this big Jew brain, baby.)
5. # Within the belly of the big blue sea # (翻译:# Within the belly of the big blue sea #)
6. You know, Mr. Tree... we may have a big celebration come Christmas. (翻译:你知道吗 树先生 You know, Mr. Tree... 我们可能圣诞节有个大庆祝 we may have a big celebration come Christmas.)
7. They call him Mr. Big, and he does not like me. (翻译:They call him Mr. Big, and he does not like me. So we gotta go!)
8. A big reason is Mr Lafontaine himself. (翻译:很大的一个原因来自于拉芳丹本人。)
9. - Mr. Wyatt, this is Mr. Cranmer. (翻译:Boleyn,Mr. Wyatt,This is Mr Cranmer.)
10. You have ten seconds, Mr. Lockhart. (翻译:You have ten seconds, Mr. Lockhart. Mr.)
11. Good call, Governor, bringing in the big guns. (翻译:bringing in the big guns.)
12. But they were both very big. (翻译:But they were both very big.)
13. ♪ They say this is a big rich town ♪ (翻译:♪ They say this is a big rich town ♪)
14. It takes big-time mojo to pull that off. (翻译:Cass says it takes big)
15. - Big brain, and she likes it. (翻译:Big brain, and she likes it.)