1. 名字的来源
2. 缩写词的含义
R.B.K.是一些组织或团体的缩写,根据不同的上下文,具有不同的含义。例如,有时代表皇家银行(Royal Bank of Kintrara),有时代表红布鲁克(Red Brook)火车站,还有时代表一个网站的名称。
3. 在文学和娱乐中的使用
Rebekah这个名字在文学和娱乐中也有出现。例如,在小说《瑞贝卡》(Rebecca)中,瑞贝卡是个神秘的角色,让读者充满了好奇和想象。此外,在电视剧《吸血鬼日记》中,Rebekah Mikaelson是一个非常强大的吸血鬼,并且在剧情中扮演了很重要的角色。
1. Rebekah is one of the most popular names for baby girls in the United States. (Rebekah是美国女婴中最流行的名字之一。)
2. R.B.K. is a reliable and trustworthy bank to invest your money. (R.B.K.是一个可靠和值得信赖的银行,可以让你的资金得到更好的投资。)
3. The train to Red Brook station leaves in 5 minutes. (前往红布鲁克火车站的列车将在5分钟后启程。)
4. Rebecca's character in the novel is both mysterious and alluring. (小说中瑞贝卡的角色既神秘又有魅力。)
5. Rebekah Mikaelson is a strong and powerful vampire in the TV show. (电视剧中的Rebekah Mikaelson是一个强大的吸血鬼,并且在剧情中起到了重要的作用。)
rebekah是一个女性名字,源自希伯来语的"רִבְקָה" (rivka),意为"牢固"或"束缚"。
1. Rebekah is a strong and independent woman.
翻译:Rebekah 是一个强大而独立的女性。
2. I met Rebekah at the party last night.
翻译:昨晚我在聚会上遇到了 Rebekah。
例句:Seven years ago, Rebekah and Ben Erler of Minneapolis were newlyweds. She waited tables. (xx年前,明尼阿波利斯的瑞贝卡和本本•艾勒是一对新婚夫妇。)
例句:Rebekah, you and i both know what mother is capable of. (Rebekah 咱俩都知道妈妈有什么能力)
例句:A woman named Rebekah offered Eliezer a drink of water and then she offered to water his camels also. (一个叫丽贝卡的女人为埃利泽和他的骆驼提供了水。)
例句:You got Rebekah and me drunk and robbed us. (翻译:把我和Rebekah灌醉后 洗劫了我们的人嘛)
rebekah一般作为名词使用,如在Rebekah(n. 丽贝卡(女子名))等常见短语中出现较多。
Rebekah | n. 丽贝卡(女子名) |
1. A woman named Rebekah offered Eliezer a drink of water and then she offered to water his camels also. (翻译:一个叫丽贝卡的女人为埃利泽和他的骆驼提供了水。)
2. You got Rebekah and me drunk and robbed us. (翻译:把我和Rebekah灌醉后 洗劫了我们的人嘛)
3. Rebekah has stefan, elena, and caroline compelled. (翻译:Rebekah扣著Stefan Elena和Caroline 蛊惑了他们)
4. You know, rebekah is still pouting Over the governor's son. (翻译:你知道的 Rebekah还在为 州长儿子的死 闷闷不乐)
5. Rebekah Mikaelson confirmed it. (翻译:Rebekah Mikaelson证实了这一点)
6. It's so quiet with klaus and rebekah gone. (翻译:Klaus和Rebekah走了之后 这里好安静)
7. Rebekah does what she's told Because he fears nik, (翻译:Rebekah这么听话是因为她害怕Nik)
8. 3: Tangled Up in Blue: Klaus and Rebekah try to unravel Marcels empire from within in spite of Elijahs concerns. (翻译:第3集:蓝色纠结:克劳斯和丽贝卡试图解开马可的帝国在伊利亚的担忧尽管。)
9. You put Rebekah somewhere no one will find her and make sure Jeremy forgets everything he heard today. (翻译:你把Rebekah藏到没人能找到的地方 确保Jeremy忘掉今天所听到的一切)
10. Honestly, Elena, Rebekah kind of deserves it. (翻译:Elena 说实话 Rebekah罪有应得)
11. Rebekah says to tell you I'm her parting gift. (翻译:Rebekah让我告诉你 我是她的临别礼物)
12. But what if we put his essence into rebekah? (翻译:那如果把他的灵魂附进Rebekah体内呢?)
13. It's... Rebekah. Rebekah Mikaelson. (翻译:是Rebekah Rebekah Mikaelson)
14. The limited edition of 300 copies was edited by Rebekah Scott. (翻译:那300册的限量版本是由丽贝卡·斯科特编辑的。)
15. I think I got Rebekah on our side, too. (翻译:- 我觉得Rebekah也是我们这边的了)