boos是什么意思 boos的中文翻译、读音、例句

boos是什么意思 boos的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:'boos' 既可以是名词,也可以是动词。作为名词时,它表示听众或观众向演员或者演讲者发出的嘘声和喝倒彩;作为动词时,它指出了听众或观众发出嘘声和喝倒彩的行为。


As soon as the politician started his speech, the audience began to boo him. (那个政治家一开口演讲,观众们就开始嘘声。)

The players were booed off the pitch after their terrible performance. (球员们由于表现糟糕,被观众们嘘下场。)

2. 情感色彩:'boos' 往往带有负面的情感色彩,比如愤怒、不满、厌恶等等。因此,很多时候,'boos' 是一种表达不满或者抗议的方式。


The director's speech was met with boos and hisses from the angry shareholders. (董事长的讲话引起了愤怒的股东们的嘘声和唿声。)

The singer was booed off the stage when she forgot the lyrics to her own song. (当那个歌手忘记唱自己的歌词时,她被观众嘘下了舞台。)

3. 质量评价:'boos' 也可以用于对某种表演或者事物的质量进行评价。如果一份演讲或者一场表演被观众们大声嘘下,那么它就被认为是不好的,或者缺乏质量。


The new movie was booed by the critics at the Cannes Film Festival. (那部新电影被戛纳电影节的评论家们嘘声一片。)

The referee's decision was met with boos and jeers from the opposing team's fans. (裁判的判决引发了对方球迷的嘘声和嘲笑声。)

4. 演讲技巧:对于演讲者来说,'boos' 的出现也可以被视为一种演讲技巧。如果演讲者能够在面对嘘声和唿声时保持冷静,保持清晰的思路和自信的语调,那么他们可能会更容易赢得观众的尊重和认可。


When the audience started to boo her, the speaker took a deep breath and calmly continued her speech. (当观众开始对她嘘声,演讲者深吸了一口气,冷静地继续了演讲。)

Despite the boos and heckling from the audience, the comedian remained in control and delivered a hilarious set. (尽管观众嘘声和拍桌子,那位喜剧演员仍保持掌控,并呈现出一段极搞笑的表演。)




1. The audience erupted in boos and hisses when the politician took the stage.


2. The referee's decision to award the penalty was met with a chorus of boos from the home crowd.


3. The boos and jeers from the opposition supporters only served to motivate the home team even more.





例句:At public meetings or in television interviews he brushes off boos, taunts and evidence with a supreme insouciance. (出席公共会议或者电视访问时,他对嘘声、嘲讽以及证据都漫不经心不理不睬。)


例句:Since the uproar over the symposium last month, said Mr. Boos and Mrs. Bartz, China has appeared more relaxed. (由于在上个月研讨会喧闹,布斯先生和巴茨夫人说,中国显得更加宽松。)


例句:Playing the piano with paws. ([audience boos] Playing the piano with paws.)


例句:H's probably been booed by his own fans more than most. BOOS Why are we booing this man? (翻译:他大概是受自家球迷嘘声最多的球员了 我们为啥嘘这个人?)


1. Playing the piano with paws. (翻译:[audience boos] Playing the piano with paws.)

2. H's probably been booed by his own fans more than most. BOOS Why are we booing this man? (翻译:他大概是受自家球迷嘘声最多的球员了 我们为啥嘘这个人?)

3. He was always such a quitter as to scolded by his boos today. (翻译:他做事总是虎头蛇尾的,以至于今天受到了老板的责骂。)

4. Since then, as long as the ball Tan Wang Song, the audience boos from all directions, until he came to the ball before the rest. (翻译:此后只要谭望嵩拿球,全场嘘声四起,直到他把球传出之后才会罢休。)

5. She was greeted with boos and hisses. (翻译:迎接她的是一片嘘声和反对声。)

6. The Georgetown players eventually walked off the court under a storm of boos and thrown water bottles. (翻译:乔治城大学队最终在观众的一片嘘声中离开了赛场,还有不少人朝他们扔矿泉水瓶。)

7. Wonderfully. Boos abounded. (翻译:好极了 嘘声一片 Oh, wonderfully.)

8. A gentleman backstage told me (翻译:Boos abounded. 后台的一位先生告诉我 A gentleman backstage told me)

9. Boos here at Elland Road for manager Brian Clough... which I'm sure won't worry him. (翻译:埃兰路球场主教练布莱恩・克拉夫被嘘了 我认为这不会让他困扰)

10. The performance was met with boos and hisses. (翻译:演出换来一片倒彩声和嘘声。)

11. But you know, after all, the act is wearing thin-as the crowd grows uneasy and the boos begin. (翻译:但是你知道,毕竟,这个法案是穿着薄的人群的增长感到不安和嘘声开始。)

12. In the Super League after the Olympic Games, Wang Tan-song when they were not fans of boos , which allow "Wang was" more silence. (翻译:而在奥运会之后的中超联赛上,谭望嵩也不时遭到球迷的嘘声,这让“旺才”更加的沉默。)

13. They greeted him with a cascade of boos when he came into the 97-83 loss. (翻译:当他以97比83告负时,他们用一阵阵嘘声来迎接他。)

14. Russian boo-boos, you go for some foreplay, they'll detail your car. (翻译:俄国女人 你想来点基本的前戏 她们会把你伺候得非常周到)

15. The crowd responded with boos and catcalls. (翻译:围观者报以阵阵嘘声。)

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