nursery rhyme是什么意思 nursery rhyme的中文翻译、读音、例句

nursery rhyme是什么意思 nursery rhyme的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 意义:nursery rhyme是指儿歌、童谣。这是一种特殊的诗歌体裁,被广泛应用于儿童教育和游戏中。


- Nursery rhymes are often used as a fun way to teach young children language skills.

- She sang a delightful nursery rhyme to her daughter before tucking her into bed.

- The music teacher encouraged the students to compose their own nursery rhymes.

- Many nursery rhymes have been passed down through generations and have become part of our cultural heritage.

- Children love singing and dancing to their favorite nursery rhymes.

2. 历史:nursery rhyme起源于欧洲文艺复兴时期,最初被用作成人娱乐的一种形式。后来随着工业化和城市化的发展,儿童文化开始兴起,nursery rhyme就成为了儿童文化的一部分。


- Many nursery rhymes have been around for hundreds of years and have been passed down from generation to generation.

- The history of nursery rhymes is fascinating and reveals a lot about the culture and values of different societies.

- The origins of some nursery rhymes are shrouded in mystery and have been lost over time.

- Nursery rhymes have evolved over the years, with new verses and tunes added to reflect the changing times.

- The popularity of nursery rhymes has remained strong for centuries, proving their enduring appeal to young children.

3. 教育:nursery rhyme被广泛应用于儿童教育中,因为它们具有简单易学、易记、易唱的特点,同时还能帮助儿童发展听力、语言和协调性等技能。


- Nursery rhymes are a great way to introduce young children to the basics of language and literacy.

- Parents and teachers often use nursery rhymes to teach children how to count, spell, and rhyme.

- Nursery rhymes can help children with speech and language development, as they learn to articulate words and sounds more clearly.

- By singing and dancing to nursery rhymes, children can develop their physical coordination and motor skills.

- Many nursery rhymes have valuable moral lessons that can help young children develop social and emotional skills.

4. 流行文化:nursery rhyme在流行文化中也扮演着重要角色,它们经常出现在电影、电视剧和音乐中,还被用作广告和宣传活动。


- The popular children's show features a cast of characters who sing and dance to classic nursery rhymes.

- Many famous musicians have recorded their own versions of nursery rhymes, giving them a modern twist.

- Advertisers often use nursery rhymes in commercials to appeal to parents and children.

- The use of nursery rhymes in popular culture has helped to keep them relevant and beloved by new generations of children.

- Many modern books and movies are inspired by classic nursery rhymes, showing their enduring influence on popular culture.

nursery rhyme意思为儿歌,是指儿童常听的简单韵文或歌谣,常用于教授语言、文化和启发幼儿的智力和情感。


读音:[ˈnɜːrsəri raɪm]


1. As a child, she loved listening to nursery rhymes and singing along.


2. The teacher used nursery rhymes to teach the children English pronunciation.


nursery rhyme的中文解释是"童谣",还有童谣的意思,发音音标为[nurseryrhyme],nursery rhyme在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到74个与nursery rhyme相关的例句。

Nursery rhyme的释义


例句:Budington. I can't think of a rhyme for Budington yet. (伯宾顿,我到现在 都还没有想到跟它押韵的诗)


nursery rhyme一般作为名词使用,如在rhyme(押韵 )、in rhyme(有节奏地)、rhyme with(和…押韵)等常见短语中出现较多。

in rhyme有节奏地
rhyme with和…押韵
double rhyme双重韵律, 双韵(有两处末尾发音相同的两个词, 如 reading 和 speeding)
end rhyme[网络] 尾韵;末端韵;押尾韵
exact rhyme[网络] 精确的押韵
eye rhyme[语言学、诗歌]视觉韵(诗行结尾用拼写相同但发音各异的词, 如 lone 与 none)
female rhyme阴性韵,二重韵(多系第二音节上没有重音的,如notion和motion,前后两个音节都押韵)


1. Not all of them had nursery fires like you did. (翻译:不是所有的都和你一样 在婴儿时遭遇过火灾)

2. Of course her kennel was in the nursery. (翻译:当然,她的狗窝是在育儿室里。)

3. Xmnx sets the maximum size of the nursery to the specified value. (翻译:Xmnx将托儿所区域的最大大小设置为指定的值。)

4. One area of contention is the availability of nursery care. (翻译:争论的一个方面是提供幼儿保育的可能性。)

5. Boss, this guy goes around with a Nursery Rhyme book going on about Greater Love and "Lesser Love". (翻译:寨主 这小子拿著本儿歌 大爱小爱的骗小孩)

6. A piece of light singsong verse or rhyme. (翻译:诗文一首轻快且有节奏的简单的诗文或押韵诗)

7. You painting the walls in the nursery when the baby comes. (翻译:等我们的孩子出生之后 You painting the walls in the nursery 你在保育室的墙上画画 when the baby comes.)

8. # But I need time to speed-rhyme amazingly, so... # (翻译:# 但是我要时间 来创作我的曲调 所以... #)

9. There is no rhyme or reason to any of this stuff. (翻译:这些完全没有韵律也没理由 There is no rhyme or reason to any of this stuff.)

10. Spicilegium ooze the yellow prefecture Ode word Zanshi doggerel folk rhyme! (翻译:搜集沁州黄的赞词赞诗顺口溜民谣! )

11. He has painted murals in his children's nursery. (翻译:他在他家的育儿室画上了壁画。)

12. The Victorian sonnet has the balance of three tenets, rhyme, meter, conceit. (翻译:维多利亚十四行诗,讲求三原则平衡 韵律,格律,巧喻)

13. - A rhyme for the porridge. - At first, everyone is talking. (翻译:关于麦片粥的颂歌 开始时 每个人都在交谈)

14. Doesn't rhyme as well you know, for country songs and Shakespeare. (翻译:也不和谐啊... 你知道, 对于那些乡村歌曲和莎士比亚的作品.)

15. nursery, secured the baby's rusks, and returned to the hay-field. (翻译:托儿所,拿了了婴儿的面包干,并返回到干草场。)


nursery rhyme作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、nursery、rhymes等。

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