rawmaterial是什么意思 rawmaterial的中文翻译、读音、例句

rawmaterial是什么意思 rawmaterial的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:raw material是指用于制造成品的原材料,是加工、制造过程中必不可少的基础材料。

2. 类别:raw material可以分为天然原材料和人造原材料两种。天然原材料包括如木材、石材、棉花、石油等;人造原材料包括如塑料、化学药品等。

3. 用途:raw material可以用于制造各种产品,如衣服、电子产品、汽车等,同时也是建筑、化工、医药等工业生产的主要材料。

4. 供应链:raw material是供应链中的重要环节,对于生产企业来说,选择合适的供应商、合理的采购方式,能够保证原材料的质量和稳定性。

5. 行业:raw material在各个行业都有着重要的应用,比如纺织、制药、食品等。

1. The company sources its raw materials from sustainable suppliers. (公司从可持续的供应商那里采购原材料。)

2. The shortage of raw materials has caused a delay in production. (原材料短缺导致生产延迟。)

3. The cost of raw materials has increased due to inflation. (原材料成本由于通货膨胀而增加。)

4. The raw materials used in the construction industry vary depending on the project. (建筑业中使用的原材料因项目而异。)

5. The quality of the raw materials can directly affect the quality of the final product. (原材料的质量直接影响最终产品的质量。)


读音:ráw məˈtɪrɪəl


1. We need to purchase raw materials for our production line. (我们需要为生产线购买原材料。)

2. The quality of the finished product depends on the quality of the raw material. (成品的质量取决于原材料的质量。)

3. The manufacturing process requires a constant supply of raw material. (制造过程需要不断的原材料供应。)




例句:It is found that using aspartame as raw material to synthesize neotame is the most promising . . . (阿斯巴甜经济易得,以阿斯巴甜为原料合成纽甜是目前最具有发展前景的工艺。)


1. The raw material was unadopted. (翻译:原材料没有被采用。)

2. Apply raw material and product safety clearance, confirm right to practice. (翻译:为材料和产品申请安全号和专利,确认RTP。)

3. A new paste FLD is prepared with high performance adhesive as raw material. (翻译:以高性能涂料印花粘合剂为基材制备新型白胶浆FLD。)

4. Gelatine is one of raw material with the largest use, the most difficult performance and the most important role to make sensitive material. (翻译:明胶是制备感光材料用量最大,性能最复杂的一种原料,在感光材料中发挥着重要作用。)

5. Now the raw material of it, of course, is just the music of everyday life. (翻译:现在,那些原始的素材,当然, 就是那些和日常生活有关的音乐。)

6. The raw material for the tyre is a byproduct of oil refining. (翻译:这种轮胎的原料是汽油提炼的副产品。)

7. Our company is the only raw material production dimethicone pharmaceutical company. (翻译:我公司是全国唯一生产二甲硅油原料药的制药企业。)

8. Chlorobenzene sulfonyl chloride was synthesized with chlorobenzene as raw material. (翻译:以氯苯为原料,合成了对氯苯磺酰氯。)

9. Usually use magnesite, dolomite and brine as raw material to produce. (翻译:通常是用菱镁矿、白云石和卤水为原料生产的。)

10. Now the raw material of it, of course, is just the music of everyday life. (翻译:现在,那些原始的素材,当然, 就是那些和日常生活有关的音乐。)

11. Uses: Used as the raw material of ytterbium oxide. (翻译:用途:用作氧化镱的原料。)

12. This invasion of others is a raw material, efficiently and ruthlessly mined, packaged and sold at a profit. (翻译:侵入他人的私人领域是一种原材料, 被有效地、无情地挖掘出来, 然后包装,销售,获取利润。)

13. High efficiency of raw material, high yield, high ROL. (翻译:原材料利用率高、成品率、投资回报率高、模具费用低。)

14. It is found that using aspartame as raw material to synthesize neotame is the most promising... (翻译:阿斯巴甜经济易得,以阿斯巴甜为原料合成纽甜是目前最具有发展前景的工艺。)

15. Diosgenin is an important pharmaceutical raw material. (翻译:薯蓣皂甙元是一种重要的医药原料。)

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