koo是什么意思 koo的中文翻译、读音、例句

koo是什么意思 koo的中文翻译、读音、例句




短语:'koo'通常出现在短语中,如 'cooing dove'(低声咕哝的鸽子),'cooing love'(倾诉爱意)。



1. The dove was cooing quietly in the tree.(鸽子在树上低声咕哝。)

2. She cooed lovingly to her baby as she rocked him to sleep.(她温柔地对着宝宝咕哝,让他入睡。)

3. The couple cooed to each other as they walked hand in hand.(这对夫妻手牵手走着,相互咕哝着。)

4. The bird kooed softly as it flew overhead.(那只鸟飞过头顶时轻轻地咕哝着。)

5. The lovers were cooing sweet words to each other under the moonlight.(情人们在月光下相互咕哝着甜言蜜语。)



1. The water in the drain made a koo sound as it went down.


2. She was so sleepy that she could only speak in a koo voice.





例句:Louis Koo also wore these pants in commercials it's universally the latest elastic fabric invented (古天乐拍广告也是穿这条裤子 全宇宙最新发明的弹性布料)


例句:Sir, examination report on Koo's injury (法官大人 这一份就是当天古女士被殴打的验伤报告)


例句:Eagle bought his first property in Tai Koo Shing the next year. (第xx年 飞鹰就在太古城 买了他们第一层楼 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Eagle bought his first property in Tai Koo Shing the next year.)


例句:They included Chung Mong-koo, the chairman of Hyundai, the world's sixth-largest carmaker. (翻译:这其中就包括世界第六大汽车制造商韩国现代集团会长郑梦九。)


1. Eagle bought his first property in Tai Koo Shing the next year. (翻译:第xx年 飞鹰就在太古城 买了他们第一层楼 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Eagle bought his first property in Tai Koo Shing the next year.)

2. They included Chung Mong-koo, the chairman of Hyundai, the world's sixth-largest carmaker. (翻译:这其中就包括世界第六大汽车制造商韩国现代集团会长郑梦九。)

3. I know you can't eat until Pat Koo's back, so you must be very hungry. (翻译:我知道八姑不回来是不许煮饭的 我想你肚子一定很饿的)

4. Wellington Koo, a Taipei-based lawyer, said the court would probably appoint a public defender, thus allowing the case to continue. (翻译:台北律师顾立雄表示,法庭很可能会委任一名公设辩护人,使本案继续得到审理。)

5. I heard that this Baby Koo... hardly has any publicized pictures, not even by the Hong Kong entertainment magazines. (翻译:听说那个古须仁 连香港的八卦杂志都很少拍到他的长相)

6. Dr Koo said the goal was to extract the berry's protective properties and add them to toothpaste or mouthwash. (翻译:顾博士表示,研究的目的是粹取小红莓中的保护性成分,然后添加到牙膏或漱口水中。)

7. LG, by contrast, has plumped for a member of the chaebol's founding family, Koo Bon-joon. (翻译:而相反LG选中的是财阀创始人家族成员,具本俊。)

8. Scene: ABC Properties Company, Tai Koo Shing branch. (翻译:场景:abc地产代理公司太古城分行。)

9. We cleaned out his memories of all emotional relationships and then fed him selective data on C.S. Koo and he became a perfect killer bait (翻译:我把他的感情记忆洗去 输入加工的古松树资料 他便成为上佳饵子)

10. Mr Koo is trying to make the case that the indictment itself is illegal. (翻译:顾立雄正试图造成起诉本身就是非法的局面。)

11. Mr. Baby Koo and Miss Winnie Yip... to have the first dance of tonight. (翻译:古须仁先生和叶欣荣小姐 为我们跳今晚的第一支舞)

12. This was a protracted slog which, by Mr Koo's reckoning, did not finish until 2005. (翻译:这是种拖延的做法,Koo先生估计,这个过程指导xx年才结束。)

13. agrees with Mr Koo Zhiyi through retirement reasons resigned from his duties as Assistant General Manager of the company. (翻译:同意顾智毅先生因退休原因辞去公司副总经理职务。)

14. If I don't find the stuff in there, then Pat Koo, 369, and I will kneel down and kowtow 3 times to Fat Chai. (翻译:如果我在里面搜不到那些东西 我、八姑、三六九我们三个人 即刻跪在地下向发仔磕三个响头)

15. Relations between the Nationalist Party of Wang-Koo talks thus appear to be the most neutral calendar breakthrough. (翻译:国共两党的关系至此出现自汪辜会谈来最大的历中性突破。)



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