initialize是什么意思 initialize的中文翻译、读音、例句

initialize是什么意思 initialize的中文翻译、读音、例句




短语:initialize a device(初始化设备)、initialize a program(初始化程序)。



1. The computer system will automatically initialize all devices when it is turned on.(计算机系统开机时会自动初始化所有设备。)

2. You need to initialize the printer before you can start printing.(你需要初始化打印机才能开始打印。)

3. The programmer spent a lot of time initializing the program to ensure it runs smoothly.(程序员花费了大量时间初始化程序,以确保其顺利运行。)

4. The initialization process can take several minutes depending on the complexity of the system.(初始化过程可能需要几分钟,具体取决于系统的复杂性。)

5. It's important to properly initialize the database before adding any data.(在添加数据之前,正确地初始化数据库非常重要。)




1. Before you use the software, you need to initialize the database.


2. The computer crashed because the system failed to initialize.


3. The technician was able to initialize the printer and get it to work properly.





例句:Failed to initialize news servers. Perhaps your Newsgroup Directory preference is invalid. (在初始化新闻服务器时失败。可能是“新闻组目录”首选项无效。)


例句:Initialize the target object. (初始化目标对象。)


例句:The TAPI devices configured for Remote Access failed to initialize or were not installed correctly. (用于远程访问有TAPI设备初始化失败或没有被正确安装。)

4.初始化 、正在初始化

例句:Before the Rnd function can be called, a call to the Randomize procedure must be made to initialize the random number generator. (翻译:调用Rnd前,必须先调用Randomize过程以初始化随机数字生成器。)


initialize一般作为动词使用,如在to initialize(初始化)、disk initialize(磁盘预置)、diskette initialize([计] 软盘预置)等常见短语中出现较多。

to initialize初始化
disk initialize磁盘预置
diskette initialize[计] 软盘预置
initialize a variable给变量赋初值
initialize button启动按钮
initialize data预置数据
initialize format预置格式
initialize mode初始化模式
initialize process[计] 初始化进程


1. The TAPI devices configured for Remote Access failed to initialize or were not installed correctly. (翻译:用于远程访问有TAPI设备初始化失败或没有被正确安装。)

2. Before the Rnd function can be called, a call to the Randomize procedure must be made to initialize the random number generator. (翻译:调用Rnd前,必须先调用Randomize过程以初始化随机数字生成器。)

3. To initialize and install the model, run the synchronize database command, syncdb. (翻译:为了初始化并安装这个模型,请运行数据库命令syncdb。)

4. A static constructor is used to initialize any static data, or to perform a particular action that needs to be performed once only. (翻译:静态建构函式可以用来初始化任何静态资料,或执行只需执行一次的特定动作。)

5. objects interoperate with typed arrays, array literals can initialize typed arrays as well with a few restrictions. (翻译:对象与类型化数组相互作用,因此数组标识符在一些限制条件下也可以初始化类型化数组。)

6. A technique used to determine which station will initialize an FDDI ring. (翻译:一项技术,用于判断哪一个工作站将激活FDDI振铃。)

7. The best way to make sure this doesn't happen is to initialize variables where you declare them instead of in the body of every constructor. (翻译:确保这些不会发生的最好的方法是在声明变量的时候就初始化,而不是在每个构造函数中进行初始化。)

8. As you can see, pthread_mutex_init accepts a pointer to an already-allocated region of memory to initialize as a mutex. (翻译:正如所示,pthread_mutex_init接受一个指针作为参数以初始化为互斥对象,该指针指向一块已分配好的内存区。)

9. Let's initialize the memory wipe on SC-1, start crunching the data. (翻译:初始化一号系统的记忆消除装置,准备清除数据)

10. This allows the BDS to initialize the stream for use by the batch step. (翻译:这就允许BDS对流进行初始化,以供批处理步骤使用。)

11. A Using statement specifies at least one resource that it does not initialize with a New clause. (翻译:Using语句指定了至少一个未使用New子句初始化的资源。)

12. You can actually initialize multiple things at once by separating them with a comma, and this is sometimes helpful. (翻译:实际上,您可以通过用逗号分隔多个事物来一次初始化它们,有时这很有帮助。)

13. For example, an add-in PCI card might use this approach to initialize an FPGA. (翻译:例如,插件pci卡可能使用此方法来初始化fpga。)

14. Make sure that you add this line after the pdo. so line that you added above, otherwise PHP won't initialize correctly. (翻译:确保将下面这一行添加在之前所添加的pdo.so这一行之后,否则PHP不能正确地初始化。)

15. Uncompress and initialize any platform specific BIOS modules. GPNV is initialized at this checkpoint. (翻译:解压缩并初始化各个平台的细节模块。在这一步GPNV被初始化。)



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