1. 'allofthem'的意义和用法:
- 'allofthem' 是一个缩写词,它代表“所有的”或“全部的”。通常用于口语或电子邮件等非正式场合中。
- 该词通常与复数名词一起使用,以表示所有成员或事物都包括在内。
- 该词也可用于引用某一集合或群体中的所有人或物体。
2. 'allofthem'的语法和用法:
- 'allofthem' 可以作为代词,直接替代一个名词短语或动词后面的宾语。
- 该词通常放在句子的结尾,但在某些情况下也可以放在其他位置。例如:All of them, including John and Jane, are coming to the party.
3. 'allofthem'在句子中的例子:
- All of these books are mine.
- I've tasted all of them, but this one is my favorite.
- All of them were present at the meeting yesterday.
- I have to grade all of them before tomorrow.
- She bought all of them the same present for Christmas.
读音: æləvðem
1. She collected all of them and put them in a box. (她把所有的它们收集起来放在一个盒子里。)
2. He read all of them in one night. (他在一晚上读完了所有的它们。)
3. The store had every color of the shirt, and he wanted to buy all of them. (这家商店有每种颜色的衬衫,他想买所有的它们。)