1. 词义:Incas是指古代南美洲安第斯山脉地区的印加帝国人民。
2. 词性:名词,复数形式。
3. 词组搭配:Incas Empire(印加帝国),Incas civilization(印加文明)。
4. 短语:无
5. 发音拼写:/ˈɪŋ.kəz/
1. The Incas empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America.(印加帝国是前哥伦布时期美洲最大的帝国。)
2. The Incas were skilled architects and engineers, as evidenced by their impressive stone structures. (印加人是熟练的建筑师和工程师,他们的石结构令人印象深刻。)
3. The Incas had a complex social organization with a strict hierarchy.(印加人有一个复杂的社会组织,有严格的等级制度。)
4. The Incas were known for their advanced agricultural methods, including terrace farming.(印加人以其先进的农业方法而闻名,包括梯田种植。)
5. Despite their impressive achievements, the Incas were ultimately conquered by the Spanish in the 16th century.(尽管印加人取得了令人瞩目的成就,但他们最终在16世纪被西班牙人征服。)
1. Los Incas fueron una civilización desarrollada en Sudamérica.(Incas是在南美洲发展起来的文明。)
2. Los Incas construyeron numerosas ciudades y caminos en su imperio.(Incas在他们的帝国中建造了许多城市和道路。)
3. La arquitectura Inca es famosa por sus grandes estructuras de piedra.(Incas的建筑以其巨大的石结构而闻名。)
4. El imperio Inca alcanzó su máximo esplendor en el siglo XV.(Incas的帝国在15世纪达到了最高的荣耀。)
5. La religión Inca tenía como deidad principal al dios Sol.(Incas的宗教以太阳神为主要神灵。)
6. Los Incas eran expertos en la agricultura y cultivaban diversos cultivos.(Incas擅长农业,种植着各种各样的作物。)
7. Los Incas fueron conquistados por los españoles en el siglo XVI.(Incas在16世纪被西班牙人所征服。)
8. Los Incas tenían un sistema de registro de quipus para contabilizar su economía.(Incas有一个基于奎普斯的记录系统来统计经济。)
9. Los Incas mantenían relaciones comerciales con otras civilizaciones de Sudamérica.(Incas与南美洲其他文明保持着商业联系。)
1. The Incas were accomplished farmers and built extensive terraces to grow crops in the mountainous regions of their empire.(印加人是有成就的农民,在他们帝国的山区建造了广泛的梯田来种植作物。)
2. The Incas were known for their impressive engineering skills, evidenced by the Machu Picchu complex and other monumental structures.(印加人以其卓越的工程技能闻名,体现在马丘比丘遗址以及其他雄伟的建筑上。)
3. The Incas also had a sophisticated system of record-keeping using knotted strings called quipus.(印加人还有一种使用编结串称为quipus的精密记录系统。)
例句:The Incas adopted and improved the agricultural advances of previous highland cultures, and gave special importance to maize production. (印加人在过去高山文化基础上应用并促进了农业的进步,特别注重玉米的生产。)
例句:I mean, they taught the Incas everything they know. (我的意思是说,他们教给 他们知道的任何东西。)
例句:We're now in the land once dominated by the Incas. (印加人曾经统治了我们四周的这片土地。印加文明是一系列文明中最后的一个。)
例句:Up a side valley, a road laid less than two years ago leads to villages where the purest descendants of the Incas still live. (翻译:旁边的一个峡谷里,有一条刚建不到两年的路, 这条路可以上到一些村庄。印加人最纯正的后裔仍然在那里生活。)
1. We're now in the land once dominated by the Incas. (翻译:印加人曾经统治了我们四周的这片土地。印加文明是一系列文明中最后的一个。)
2. Up a side valley, a road laid less than two years ago leads to villages where the purest descendants of the Incas still live. (翻译:旁边的一个峡谷里,有一条刚建不到两年的路, 这条路可以上到一些村庄。印加人最纯正的后裔仍然在那里生活。)
3. Centuries later, it allowed the Incas to farm maize in the high mountains, providing a grain surplus that let their civilisation take off. (翻译:几个世纪之后,印加人开始在高山上种植玉米,提供了大量谷物盈余来让他们的文明起飞。)
4. At the end of the valley, where the river disappears into ravines, the Incas built granaries on the side of the mountains where the grain would be kept cool, dry and safe. (翻译:在山谷的尽头,河水消失在幽暗的峡谷中。印加人在山壁上建造了座座谷仓。谷物在此可以保持干燥,凉爽,安全。)
5. This mountain retreat is built high in the Andes and is sometimes called the "Lost city of the Incas. " (翻译:这个世外桃源建在高高的安第斯山上,有时候被称作“印加文明失落的城市”。)
6. Today "the lost city of the Incas" reaches across the centuries to give us a glimpse of this unique culture. (翻译:今天,经历了几个世纪沧桑的“印加迷失之城”,使我们得以一窥它独特的文化。)
7. Meticulous9 planning and engineering meant the Incas wanted their powerful stone structures to stand the test of time. (翻译:精心的规划和施工说明,印加人希望他们充满威力的石头建筑可以经受住时间的考验。)
8. We had civilizations — Aztecs, Mayas, Incas, etc. — but no wheeled vehicles. (翻译:在各个文明中-,例如阿兹台克,玛雅,印加-,都没有轮式交通工具的踪影。)
9. Lost city of the Incas remains a mystery. (翻译:城市Incas的失踪依然成谜。)
10. The incas believed that Cuzco was the navel of the universe. (翻译:印加人认为库斯科是宇宙的中心。)
11. Cocoa trees were being grown by the Aztecs of Mexico and the Incas of Peru when the Europeans discovered central America. (翻译:欧洲人发现中美洲时,可可树由墨西哥的阿芝特克人和秘鲁的印加人所种植。)
12. See Tadeo, according to legend ... 500 years ago, when the Incas discovered that the Spaniards wanted take all the gold ... they asked Mother Nature for help. (翻译:是这样的 泰德 根据传说... 五百年前印加人发现西班牙军队 想要拿走他们所有的黄金...)
13. Machu Picchu is probably the most familiar symbol of the Inca Empire. It is often referred to as "The Lost City of the Incas" . (翻译:马丘比丘可能是印加政权最为人所知的象征,常被称为“印加失落的古城”。)
14. Before them, the Incas believed that the sun god, creator of the world, sprang from the bottomless blue waters of Lake Titicaca. (翻译:印加人相信是太阳神创造了世界, 而太阳神正是从 的的喀喀湖 深不见底的蔚蓝湖水中跃出的。)
15. I'm sure it's fun, 'cause the Incas did it. They were a million laughs. (翻译:我相信会很好玩 因为印加人试过,他们笑死了)