cinderella是什么意思 cinderella的中文翻译、读音、例句

cinderella是什么意思 cinderella的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 单词含义:Cinderella是指一个童话故事中的女主角,通常用于形容一个普通女孩被遇见机会后变成美丽的公主。此外。


- She may have started from humble beginnings, but she's truly a Cinderella story.

- The film tells the Cinderella story from a fresh perspective.

- Even in today's society, people still believe in the Cinderella story of rags to riches.

- Her success is a Cinderella story come true.

2. 意义延伸:'Cinderella'这个词也可以引申出其他含义,比如指一种玻璃鞋,或指一个繁忙的工作日子,通常被用来形容一个人忙得不可开交。


- When I was young, I always wanted to try on Cinderella's glass slippers.

- Today was an absolute Cinderella day at work, I didn't have a chance to stop and take a break.

- Trying to balance work and family life can feel like a Cinderella story, but it's important to find time for yourself.

- I felt like Cinderella trying to fit everything into my schedule, but somehow I managed to get it all done.

3. 缩写词:Cinderella也可以缩写成Cindy,这是一个常见的女性名字缩写,通常被用来称呼女性朋友或女儿。


- Hey, Cindy, how's it going?

- My daughter's name is actually Cindy, but we call her Cinderella for short.

- Cindy and I have been friends since we were kids.

- I'm meeting up with Cindy later for coffee.

4. 文化现象:Cinderella也是一个广受欢迎的文化现象,因为这个故事已经被多次改编成电影、舞台剧和动画片,并广泛传播到了全世界的文化中。


- The latest Cinderella movie is coming out this weekend, I can't wait to see it.

- The Cinderella story has been a popular theme in literature and film for generations.

- My daughter loves everything about Cinderella, from the story to the dresses.

- Cinderella has become a cultural icon in many countries around the world.




1. Cinderella was once a poor girl, but now she is a rich and famous fashion designer.(灰姑娘曾经是个穷女孩,但现在她成为了一个富有和有名的时尚设计师。)

2. The team was considered a Cinderella and no one thought they would win the championship, but they surprised everyone by winning.(这个队伍被认为是一个灰姑娘,没有人认为他们会赢得冠军,但他们通过赢得比赛来惊喜所有人。)

3. After years of struggle, becoming a CEO of a big company was like a Cinderella story for her.(经过多年的奋斗,成为一家大公司的CEO就像是她的灰姑娘故事一样。)

4. She felt like a Cinderella when she tried on the beautiful gown that she had just purchased.(当她试穿刚刚购买的漂亮礼服时,她感觉自己像一个灰姑娘。)

5. The ordinary girl became a Cinderella overnight when a famous actor fell in love with her.(当一位著名的演员爱上她时,这个普通的女孩一夜之间就成为了一个灰姑娘。)

6. The success of the small business was a Cinderella story in the world of entrepreneurship.(小企业的成功在创业世界中是一个灰姑娘故事。)

7. She never thought that she would become a singer, but it happened like a Cinderella story when a producer discovered her talent.(她从未想过自己会成为一名歌手,但当一位制作人发现她的才华时,这个故事就像一个灰姑娘一样发生了。)

8. The Cinderella horse won the race, surprising everyone who had bet against it.(这匹灰姑娘马赢得了比赛,让那些押它输的人大吃一惊。)

9. When the small town team made it to the national championship, it was truly a Cinderella story.(当这个小城镇的球队进入国家冠军赛时,这真的是一个灰姑娘故事。)


读音:cinderella /sɪndəˈrɛlə/


1. Cinderella went to the ball and met the prince.


2. The story of Cinderella is a classic fairy tale.





例句:Always leaving you behind Never mind, Cinderella (# 没有人会在意你 没事的 灰姑娘 # # Always leaving you behind Never mind, Cinderella #)


例句:The Cinderella danced by Brianne Bland was not only lovely in her careful movements. (灰姑娘的扮演者布里安那·布兰德的可爱之处不仅仅在她细致的舞蹈动作。)


例句:Rapunzel, Cinderella, you take the garage beneath City Hall. (长发公主 灰姑娘 你俩去市政厅地库那里 连接口就在那里)


例句:As for the indecisive Cinderella, she fled from the Prince. (翻译:而犹豫不决的灰姑娘 As for the indecisive Cinderella, 她又一次 从王子身边逃开 she fled from the Prince. Again.)


cinderella一般作为名词使用,如在Cinderella(灰姑娘 )等常见短语中出现较多。



1. Rapunzel, Cinderella, you take the garage beneath City Hall. (翻译:长发公主 灰姑娘 你俩去市政厅地库那里 连接口就在那里)

2. As for the indecisive Cinderella, she fled from the Prince. (翻译:而犹豫不决的灰姑娘 As for the indecisive Cinderella, 她又一次 从王子身边逃开 she fled from the Prince. Again.)

3. Some of this tension can be heard in the music Prokofiev wrote for "Cinderella." (翻译:这种紧张的气氛多少可以在普罗科菲耶夫谱写的音乐剧《灰姑娘》中感受到。)

4. Hey, Cinderella, trick or treat? (翻译:fucking pervert. 不请吃就捣蛋 trick or treat?)

5. " Cinderella and the prince lived happily ever after. (翻译:仙度瑞拉跟王子 从此就过着幸福快乐的日子)

6. You're talking about Constance... not Cinderella, which... (翻译:你说的是康斯坦斯... 不是辛德瑞拉,可能她们名字发音很像吧)

7. "A statement made by Longfellow Deeds, New York's new Cinderella Man, (翻译:这是朗法洛迪斯的 惊人之语之一 他是纽约新版的灰姑娘)

8. Here, I found a little tear, Cinderella (翻译:# 灰姑娘 我衣服这里有点撕破了 # # Here, I found a little tear, Cinderella #)

9. The Cinderella danced by Brianne Bland was not only lovely in her careful movements. (翻译:灰姑娘的扮演者布里安那·布兰德的可爱之处不仅仅在她细致的舞蹈动作。)

10. Our unsub obviously feels her life mirrors that of Cinderella, so start there. (翻译:显然 不明人物认为 自己与灰姑娘有同样的遭遇 就从这里入手)

11. Cinderella had planted a branch at the grave of her mother. (翻译:灰姑娘在母亲的坟墓旁插下过一根柳枝 Cinderella had planted a branch at the grave of her mother.)

12. Cinderella's ball is tomorrow night, so pay attention! (翻译:不准你们这样吵架 仙度瑞拉的舞会 明天晚上举行)

13. At Christmas, INFJs are good at picking out suitable Christmas gifts and remembering which niece likes Dora and which niece is into Cinderella. (翻译:圣诞节来临时,INFJ是很擅长为其他人准备合适的礼物的,比如哪个侄女爱DORA或是爱CINDERELLA。)

14. It was her dressed as Cinderella on her fifth birthday. (翻译:It was her dressed as Cinderella on her fifth birthday.)

15. Not against my will, sir. I love Cinderella stories. (翻译:这也正合我意,先生 我也爱灰姑娘的童话。)

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